Employers may become overly cautious about taking on new staff. 雇主在雇用新职员时可能会变得过于谨慎。
When you write, avoid sandwiching the bad news between an irrelevant, indirect, or overly cushioned beginning and end. 在写文章时,不要把坏消息夹在毫不相关、拐弯抹角或过度铺垫的开头和结尾中间。
He was overly hasty in making the decision. 他的决定过于匆遽。
Overuse fear as a motivator by being overly demanding. 过分使用恐惧作为激励器,表现在过分的要求。
He was acting out his feelings of inferiority by being overly aggressive. 他通过过于暴躁好斗的行为来宣泄自卑感。
Your overly criticized partner may want to stay with you, but they simply cannot handle doing the work. 经常批评你的伴侣可能是想和你待在一起,但他们只是没能处理好这点。
The overly criticized partner will admire you, perhaps too much. 被批评太多的伴侣会羡慕你,也许是很羡慕。
This can reduce overhead on a target JVM that may be overly taxed for a period of time. 这可以减少已超负荷运行了一段时间的目标JVM的开销。
Obviously, this model is overly simplistic. 显然,这个模型过于简单了。
This may sound overly optimistic. 这听起来可能过于乐观了。
These actions show that you are overly nervous. 这样的行为显示你过度紧张。
True, the PMI may be overly pessimistic. 诚然,PMI可能是过于悲观了。
Being overly honest might cause an unfair red-flag. 过度诚实可能会导致一个对你不公的危险信号。
However, we should not become overly optimistic. 但是,我们也不能过度乐观。
So what makes you most irritated is when someone tells you you're being overly emotional. 那么,最让你怒不可遏的事就是有人告诉说你感情过于丰富了。
But he is not overly sentimental. 但是他并没有过度情绪化。
I was perhaps overly optimistic about juggling both my full-time study and part-time job. 或许我对我能在全时学习和半日工作之间作平衡是过度乐观了。
Used colloquially of one who is overly conceited or arrogant. 口语中用来指一个人过度自以为是和自大。
And his character is not compatible with the most logical and not overly exaggerated illusion. 和他性格最不相容的是没有逻辑和过分夸张的幻想。
This has always seemed generous to me, even overly generous. 在我看来,这已经很慷慨了,甚至过度慷慨了。
In a command economy, it was always overly optimistic to have believed otherwise. 在一个计划经济中,认为二者是一码事的观点始终是过于乐观了。
An overly high peso exchange rate stimulated imports, but hindered exports. 比索汇率过高,剌激了进口,而抑制了出口。
Sometimes you are overly frank. 有时候你太直率了。
You are becoming a little uncertain and apprehensive and this is making you inclined to be overly defensive. 你开始有一点不确定和忧虑,这会让你倾向于过度地防御。
Daily life in Italy does not seem to be overly affected by the crisis. 危机似乎并没有对意大利民众的日常生活造成过多影响。
Therefore, we have no reason to be overly pessimistic. 因此,我们没有理由过于悲观。
You're overly attached to your patient. 你对你的病人爱护得过了头。
So I don't get overly invested in this relationship. 我就不用再费力气在咱们的关系上了。
Black represents the despair, difficulty or sorrow, but there is no need to be overly pessimistic. 黑色代表了绝望,困难或悲伤,但没有必要过分悲观。
But the excitement dimmed as further study found the initial data to be overly optimistic. 但进一步研究发现初始数据过于乐观让以前令人兴奋的理论变得黯淡了。