Often, people throw the term "overqualified" around vaguely. 通常情况下,人们会含含糊糊的说出“条件过高”的意思。
Be prepared to address the issue of being overqualified during an interview. 在面试中做好准备应对条件过高的问题。
Whatever the case, you may hear those dreaded words: "You're overqualified." And you need to know how to reply. 不管是哪种情况,你都可能会听到下面这句话:“你的条件太好了。”你需要应该如何回应这句话。
As soon as she mentions the word "overqualified," politely ask for more details. 只要她提到“条件太高”这个词,礼貌的询问更多的细节。
Additionally, some columns, such as BLOB types, are not available for use in an overqualified update. 此外,某些列,如BLOB类型,不适用于这种严格限定的更新。
Next, specify the field ( s) to include in the overqualified update statement when modified data is committed. 接下来,指定在提交已修改数据时需要包含到严格限定的Update语句中的字段。
Independent recruiter Cheryl Ferguson tells Yahoo! HotJobs that many job seekers are overqualified, under-qualified, or otherwise just wrong. 独立招聘专家CherylFerguson告诉我们很多的求职者资历过高或过低,有的甚至是完全不符合。
Have you realized you might be overqualified for your current position? 你有没有觉得自己做现在的工作绰绰有余?
It wasn't her ideal job, and she was overqualified for the position. 这不是她理想中的工作,她的能力也超出了工作要求。
Salary tends to become more of an issue when you are overqualified for a job and your expectations do not meet reality. 如果你应聘的工作让你大材小用,或者你的期望与现实不符的时候,薪资问题就会变得尤其复杂。
The worst part of working at Google, for many people, is that they're overqualified for their job. 对很多人来说,在谷歌工作最糟糕的是大材小用。
Avoid setting off the "overqualified" alarm bells with your resume and cover letter. 不要在简历和求职信中发布“条件太高”的警报。
Just because you earned more and had more responsibility in the past doesn't mean you're overqualified for this job. 仅仅因为你在上份工作上挣得更多、承担的工作职责更多并不意味着你做现在这份工作就是大材小用。
Conversely, you may want to leave off jobs ( and other information) that make you look overqualified. 相反的,你或许还需要删去会让你看起来过于超过职务要求的经历(或者其他信息)。
Of course, a lot of job seekers feel that way these days, as employers report sifting through hordes of overqualified applicants for the few available jobs. 当然,这些天很多求职者的感觉并无不同。雇主们反映说,他们筛选出大量条件过高的申请人,而空缺岗位就那么几个。
Frankly it is the feeling of everyone here that you are "overqualified", and your experience indicates you would be much happier with a company that could make full use of your talents. 说真的我们这每个人都觉得您“太出色”了,而您的资历表明您如果能到一家可以尽展您聪明才智的公司去任职,将会更加愉快。
Q o you believe you re overqualified for this position? 你认为你的资深能力完全超出这份工作所需的能力吗?
You Aren't Making Enough Money to Pay Your Bills If you are working your butt off and not getting paid enough to pay your bills, you might be overqualified and underpaid for your position. 你没有赚到足够多的钱来支付日常开销如果你拼命工作还是入不敷出,你可能没的得到与你自身价值相符的酬劳。
There are many people out there working jobs for which they're overqualified, but not all of them are unhappy with what they're doing. 有许多人在从事着自己资历过高的工作,但是并不是每个人都对所做的不快乐。
For example, university graduates would count themselves overqualified if they were doing work they believed called for nothing more than A-levels. 举例来说,如果大学毕业生认为自己从事的工作只需要高中文凭(a-levels),他们就会认为自己是大材小用了。
More than half the workers in a huge swath of occupations think they are overqualified, research commissioned by the financial times shows. 英国《金融时报》委托进行的一项研究显示,英国大量职业中超过半数的员工都认为自己被大材小用了。
America, Canada and Britain also have high shares of graduates working in jobs for which they are overqualified. 在美国、加拿大和英国,也有许多大学毕业生从事大材小用的工作。
In fact, you seem to be somewhat overqualified for this job. 事实上,你的能力有点太了。
Being told that someone doesn't want to date you because you're such a good friend, is like being told that you didn't get the job because you're overqualified. 被告知某人不愿和你约会是因为你是个难得的好朋友,就像被告知你得不到这份工作是因为你资历太高了一样。
They also found that almost six in 10 art and design graduates were overqualified for their occupations. 他们同样发现,对于他们的职业来说,六分之一的艺术与设计专业毕业生资历过高。
They didn't give me the job because they said I was overqualified. 他们没有给我这份工作,因为他们说我大材小用了。
The truth of the matter is that we find you are "overqualified" for any position we might offer you in our organization. 事实上我们发现对于任何我们公司所能提供给您的职位而言,您都“太出色”了。
Assuming you'll jump ship when the economy turns around is only one of the many objections employers have to hiring overqualified candidates. 他们认为当经济好转你会离开,这仅仅是对招聘资历过高人选雇主拥有的众多反对之一。
Overqualified means you are culturally too old for their organisation. 资历过高意味着从习惯上讲你对他们公司来说太老了。