Is the council right to be concerned, or is it overreacting? 市政委员会表示关切是合情合理呢,还是反应过激?
The question now, is kayak being overly cautious and perhaps overreacting to the Facebook fallout? 现在的问题是Kayak是不是过于谨慎,对Facebook的失败反应过度了?
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke often gets criticized for overreacting to the stock market. 美联储(FederalReserve)主席本•伯南克经常因为对股市过度反应而遭受批评。
You may be overreacting to a situation at hand. 你可能对于某事反应过度。
Do things for them but don't allow them to make unreasonable requests. You may be overreacting to a situation at hand. 为别人做事,但是不要让别人提出不合理的要求。你对身边的某件事可能反应过度。
Where share price bubbles seem to cause damage, the real culprit is often the authorities overreacting and deploying the heavy weaponry of a monetary squeeze to dampen damaging speculation. 尽管股市泡沫似乎造成了伤害,但真正的罪魁祸首往往是那些反应过度、并动用货币挤压这一重型武器来打击破坏性投机的有关部门。
But he warned against overreacting by raising protectionist barriers and called for renewed efforts to conclude the Doha round of trade talks. 不过,他告诫各方不要以增加保护主义壁垒来作出过度反应。他呼吁重新努力,完成多哈回合贸易谈判。
Exxon cruises onward like a supertanker and Royal Dutch Shell has announced only modest cuts to capital expenditure this year, saying that it is not overreacting. 埃克森美孚像一艘超级油轮一样扬帆前进,而荷兰皇家壳牌石油公司(RoyalDutchShell)已经宣布今年适度削减资本支出,该公司表示,这不是反应过度。
Don't you think you're overreacting just a little? 你不认为你有点反应过度了吗?
I think they might just be overreacting. 我想她们可能有点反应过度了。
This may be appropriate given that there is a much greater danger from policy underreacting to current economic weakness than from it overreacting. 鉴于在目前经济疲弱的情况下,政策反应不足的危险性要远远高于反应过度,这或许是合理之举。
"The overreacting," said Zhu Feng, an international relations expert at Peking University who was asked to study Washington's moves and make recommendations. “美国反应过度了”,北京大学国际关系专家朱峰说,他被要求研究华盛顿动向并提出建议。
Oh, elena, you're overreacting. 噢伊莲娜你反应过度了。
If the boss attempts to compensate for his outburst by overreacting and trying to "make nice" the next day, says Grothe, he or she feels guilty about yesterday's bad behavior. 如果老板试着为自己过激的情绪波动做些弥补并且第二天看上去“客客气气”的,葛罗斯说,那么他或她是在为自己昨天糟糕的行为表示内疚。
I may be overreacting to the letter, but I still think we should let the police see it. 也许我对这封信的反应过火了些,但我依然认为有必要将其交给警方。
If Mr Trichet thinks the US Federal Reserve is overreacting, he has a point. 如果特里谢认为美联储(fed)的反应过度,那他说到点子上了。
What they fail to consider is that the real choice is between seemingly overreacting or letting events take over. 他们没有认识到,真正的选择在于:或者是采取表面过火的行动;或者是听任事态的发展。
The host's immune system may be overreacting and killing off too many cells, and that may be a key contributor to what makes this virus more pathogenic. 宿主的免疫系统可能反应过激并且杀死太多细胞,这可能是这个病毒更具致病力的关键因素。
While some say that the market is overreacting as importing countries would tap their strategic reserves to make up for any disruption, a close look at the problem shows that reserves in China and India remain low. 有人表示,市场反应有些过度,因为石油进口国将会动用各自的石油储备以挺过供应中断的难关。但是,仔细想想,中国和印度的储备量仍然很低。
As is usually the case in a crisis, investors have been overreacting, throwing away the "baby with the bath water" as Wall Street pros say. 危机当下通常会发生投资者反应过度的情况,像华尔街专家们说的那样:不分青红皂白一股脑儿地抛售股票。
We might be overreacting, but I'm willing to live with that. 我们也许反应过度了,但我还是愿意相信确有其事。
Brady said he thought Buffett was overreacting but agreed to call back again. 布雷迪表示,他认为巴菲特的反应有些过度,但他答应会再回电话。
Critics accused European air transport officials of being slow to react, then overreacting to the possible risk to airplanes. 批评者指责欧洲运输官员反应缓慢,后来又对飞机可能的风险反应过度。
Don't you think you're overreacting a bit? It's over with and there's nothing we can do about it. 你不觉得你的反应有点过火了吗?怎么说这件事也已经过去了。我们对此无能为力。