It's a gross oversimplification to fasten on to the red deer as a threat to the environment. 仅关注马鹿威胁环境的一面过于片面了。
Part of the issue is oversimplification of the models computer programs are based on, rather than actual errors in their programming. 这个问题的部分成因在于,人们对作为计算机程序基础的模型做了过度简化,而不是它们的编程本身出了什么问题。
That was an oversimplification, Mellman knew, but it shook him. 梅尔曼知道,这只是妻子过分单纯的想法,但却让他很受触动。
This is a sad oversimplification, because Italian cooking is as diversified as it is delicious. 这是一种可悲的过分简单的想法,因为意大利饭菜不仅美味可口,而且丰富多彩。
Obviously this is a bit of an oversimplification, but you get the basic idea. 显然这样说过于简略了,但基本的概念就是如此。
But although it's helpful to think of OCAP as an API stack, it is an oversimplification. 不过,尽管将OCAP想象成一个API堆栈比较有用,但这过于简单了。
This is a slight oversimplification of most functional languages, but only a slight one. 对大多数函数性语言来说,这有点过于简化,但是只是过了一点点。
Nevertheless, the Court indicated that the right-privilege distinction was "perhaps [ an] oversimplification"; 但最高法院表示,权利&特权区分“恐怕是过于简单化了”;
At the risk of oversimplification we present an argument that predicts the proper dependence of the average laser power. 我们冒着过于简单化的风险而提出一种论点,这种论点能预示出激光功率的适当的内在联系。
But without further qualification this judgment is susceptible of gross interpretative oversimplification. 但是,如果没有进一步的限制,上述的总体判断就会过于简单。
This is a slight oversimplification, as we shall see. 这么说有些过于简化,后面会看到。
Although it is an oversimplification, the desired rate of growth may be taken as that rate which balances present costs against future benefits for the consensus of individuals. 尽管这是一个过于简化的描述,但期望的经济增长率,可以被认为是对每一个个人之现有成本与未来利益的平衡率。
How can we create a national and global dialogue that transcends such oversimplification and parochialism? 我们要怎样做,才能在全国乃至全球范围内,逐渐克服这样过于简单化的趋势和狭隘主义?
The degree of variation is still debated, but the kindest way to describe the tongue map is an oversimplification. 尽管差异的程度仍然面临争议,但是以味觉的种类方式来描绘舌头地图却显得过于简单化。
One is enhancement of the self but the other is what you can call "oversimplification of the other." 一个是对自我的放大,另一个可以称之为“对他们的过于简化”
We have tried to boil all the evidence down into the simplest explanations while, at the same time, avoiding oversimplification. 有时,我们希望总结所有的论据得到一个简单的结论,同时又要避免一刀切似的过于简单。
There is admittedly artificiality and oversimplification in this approach. 人们承认这种方法带有人为性并且过分简单化。
A simple linear progression from eczema to asthma is "an oversimplification," he added. 且教授补充道,将湿疹和哮喘理解为简单的线性过程是“过度单纯化的”。
And there has inevitably been oversimplification sometimes amplified by environmental groups keen to present the threat of global warming in the starkest terms. 结果就是,将这个问题过于简单化的情形不可避免地出现了有时,急于用最严厉的措辞表达全球变暖威胁的环保组织会进一步夸大这个现象。
Dean is a vigorous speaker with strong opinions, often expressed with vehemence and a tendency to oversimplification; 迪恩是个观点强硬的健谈的人,在表达时常常是措词强烈,结论有过于简单化的倾向。
It would be an oversimplification, however, to say that as economies developed," common "schools flourished entirely as a result. 但是,如果将“公立”学校的蓬勃发展完全归功于经济发展,则过于简单化。
That programme used oversimplification and highly standardized, rigid operational procedures in an effort to compensate for weak health infrastructures in the vast majority of endemic countries. 当时的消灭规划采用了过度简化和高度标准化的死板操作程序,想以此来补偿大部分流行国家薄弱的卫生基础设施。
The present author argues that the above conclusion is an oversimplification of the thematic significance of the play. 本文作者认为以上观点是对该剧主题意义过于简单化的理解。
The oversimplification and radicalization of the binary opposition between self-interest and selflessness must lead to mutual exclusion between business principles and moral sentiments. 被简单化和绝对化的自利和无私的二元分立,必然造成商业原则和道德情操的互相排斥。
The second is oversimplification of industrial organization theory in its applications. 二是研究者追求的是某种抽象结果,产业组织理论在实际应用中却已经被简化了。
The apotheosis, westernization and oversimplification are both the deficiency of industrial technology view and the main reasons for the born of all sort of technological paradox. 技术观的神化、西化和简单化,是工业技术观的主要偏颇,也是种种技术悖论产生的主要原因。
Overcome the tendency of oversimplification in geological thoughts, and enrich imagination of geologists; 克服地质思维的简单化倾向,丰富自己的想象力;
Dogmatism and Moral Oversimplification in the Comments on Social Incidents 社会热点评论中的教条主义与泛道德化&从佘祥林冤案切入
But in the course of concrete practice, it shows a trend of tidalisation and oversimplification. 但是,在具体实践过程中,也表现出了“逐潮化”和“简单化”的倾向。
In our daily teaching, inquiry activity turns to be inefficient, or even ineffective in inquiry depth and level, overall showing a tendency to oversimplification. 在日常教学中,探究活动在探究的深度、层次和水平上出现低效,甚至无效情况,整体显示出过于简单化的倾向。