Fourth, ton uses specific mini-case studies from inside Costco and other companies to show how building some slack into staffing, even erring on the side of overstaffing at times, can cut costs by making the most efficient use of workers 'time. 第四步,唐恩运用好市多和其他公司的一些小型案例研究显示,在员工配备上允许一定程度的冗余,甚至有时超编,可以最大程度地利用员工的时间,借此削减成本。
Of course, the organizational line also involves other problems, such as how to reduce overstaffing and establish a retirement system. 当然,组织路线方面还有其他的问题,如机关臃肿怎样解决,退休制度问题怎样解决等等。
Overstaffing has become the obstacle for reforms 人浮于事已成为改革的绊脚石
Otherwise, organizational overlapping, overstaffing, bureaucratism, sluggishness, endless disputes over trifles and the repossession of powers devolved to lower levels will retard economic restructuring and economic growth. 不然的话,机构庞大,人浮于事,官僚主义,拖拖拉拉,互相扯皮,你这边往下放权,他那边往上收权,必然会阻碍经济体制改革,拖经济发展的后腿。
Overstaffing, overspending on official entertainment, and waste increase administrative costs. 机构臃肿、人浮于事,公务接待不规范,奢侈浪费,行政成本高。
Our present economic management is marked by overstaffing, organizational overlapping, complicated procedures and extremely low efficiency. 现在,我们的经济管理工作,机构臃肿,层次重叠,手续繁杂,效率极低。
Our grave propensity to bureaucracy is inseparable from the current overstaffing of our organizations. 我们严重的官僚主义与现在机构的臃肿是分不开的。
A Public Policy Analysis Base on the Phenomenon of Deputies Overstaffing& Also on the policy implementation in the organization of the block factor 副职超编现象的公共政策分析&兼论政策在组织内执行时的阻滞因素
Firstly, GM has high costs of employee benefits and health care, overstaffing and inefficiency, all of which led directly to the high cost of GM automobiles. 公司员工的福利和医疗保健等成本居高不下,人员臃肿,效率不高直接导致了通用汽车的高成本。
At the same time, from the development of the banking industry, the large number of employees, a serious problem of overstaffing, and highly educated employees is increasing year by year, which brings about increasing competitive pressure. 与此同时,从银行业自身的发展来看,员工人数庞大,冗员问题严重,并且高学历员工逐年增多,竞争压力日益增大。
This approach can reflect influences of several meteorological factors on the load curve properly and avoid overstaffing network caused by nodes. 它可以很好的体现多种气象因素对负荷曲线的综合影响,还可以避免网络的节点太多导致的网络太臃肿,加入气象因素的网络预测精度也会提高。
Only to view performance from a people-orientated standpoint can fundamentally solve the issue of overstaffing in most institutions and meet the demands of modern human resource management. 只有真正落实到从人本思想角度考虑绩效问题,才能从根本上解决大部分事业单位现时人浮于事的窘境,适应科学合理的现代人力资源管理要求。
Because of the long-term management model in accordance with the institutions 'operation and management, it is lack of effective corporate performance management staff which caused by the enthusiasm of staff is not high, low efficiency, overstaffing and other issues. 由于长期按照事业单位的管理模式运行管理,企业缺乏有效的员工绩效管理,造成员工工作积极性不高,工作效率低下,人浮于事等问题。
However, after rearranging the literature for relevant reports, it is brought to light that those problems as overstaffing in organizations, slow civil service construction, high cost of government operations, and the dropping behind level of IT application, etc. still exist currently. 但经过对相关报告文献的梳理,发现次发达地区乡镇政府仍然存在机构人员冗余、公务员队伍建设滞后、政府运行成本过高、信息化程度落后等问题。