I am aware that overstaying or working illegally in Singapore is a serious offence and on conviction, the penalties may include mandatory imprisonment and caning. 我明白在新加坡逾期逗留或者非法工作是严重罪行,将会被处以入狱关押以及鞭刑。
A drop in the President's tone, a shift of his eyes to Hopkins, told Pug he was now overstaying his time. 总统的声调突然沉了下去,目光向霍普金斯一瞥,这使帕格知道他逗留的时间已经过长。
I wish he is Japanese, then we wouldn't need to tell him he is overstaying as PM. 我希望他是日本人,那样我们就不用告诉他他在哪个位置上呆了过久了。
In a bull market and particularly in booms, the public at first makes money, which it later looses simply by overstaying the bull market. 在牛市里,特别是在高峰的时候,公众最初赢钱,然后就因为在牛市里停留太长,而全输了回去。