Perception is key: Sometimes managers overtly say one thing and reinforce something else through measurements, effectively undermining their stated objectives. 感觉是非常关键的:有时管理者们会公开地讲述一件事并通过度量对此进行加强,事实上却严重地破坏了他们所规定的目标。
Besides its overtly political meanings, gu ǎ n appears constantly in daily speech. 除了明显的政治含义外,管这个字也经常出现在日常对话中。
Her idea of pop music harks back to a period the mid-1980s when pop was less overtly hybrid. 她对流行音乐的概念回溯到了20世纪80年代中期,那时候流行乐还没杂交得这样厉害。
However, the west should not furnish Ukraine with heavy weaponry with an overtly offensive purpose. 然而,西方不应向乌克兰提供明显带有进攻目的的重型武器。
My wife had an overtly sexist professor who would never give a female student a grade higher than a B, no matter how well she did. 我的妻子就遇到了一个公开的性别主义者,他甚至宣称他从来不会给任何一个女生比B更高的分数,即使他做得再好。
Most other stars then were in the Marilyn Monroe mould& blonde, curvaceous and overtly sexy. 当时大多数的女星都在模仿玛丽莲·梦露&金发碧眼,曲线优美且公开展露性感。
Overtly or pale light, flickering lights at night, such as maple, my thoughts are so glittering. 或明或淡的灯光,如枫桥夜晚摇曳的灯火,我的思绪也是这般摇曳多姿。
The cartoons and other images used by newspapers and journals, particularly those that supported the restriction of Chinese immigration, were often overtly racist and satirical. 报纸、期刊上的漫画和其他图片,尤其是那些支持限制中国移民的媒体,往往更表现了种族主义和不怀好意。
What's important is that these are fundamentally technological approaches, not overtly political ones. 重要的是,这些本质上都是技术方法,而非公开的政治行为。
The song is not overtly anti-american in lyrics. 这首歌在歌词上并不是百分百反美的。
The idea then that Machiavelli is doing no more than saying openly and overtly what ancient writers had wrapped in parable and enigma and myth says something about Machiavelli's new political science. 马基雅维利只不过是,公然说出了古代作家们,以寓言,谜以及神话的形式包裹的内容,这种看法一定程度上阐明了马基雅维利的。
Connect with your customers and establish your credibility and authority by providing information, rather than overtly selling. 通过提供信息(而不是公开推销)与客户联络并确立您的信誉和影响力。
In fact, this overtly political emphasis did result in occasional liaisons between avantgarde and working-class movements, as was the case with French SURREALISM and Russian CONSTRUCTIVIM. 实际上,先锋派这样公然地强调政治,有时的确让人将它与工人阶级运动联系在一起,就像法国超现实主义和俄国结构主义一样。
He has started overtly criticizing his son-in-law. 他开始公开批评他的女婿。
His jokes got more and more overtly malicious. 他的那些玩笑越来越明显地带有恶意。
Require the designation of religion on passports or national identity documents, either overtly or in code; 要求在护照或国家颁发的身份证件上明文或以标记注明宗教信仰;
He removed overtly religious images such as the cross and stained glass. He jazzed up services with videos, drama and contemporary music. 他去掉了诸如十字架和彩绘玻璃这样的直截了当的宗教形象,引入录影带,戏曲和当代音乐等服务,使之生动活泼。
And their first overtly political act. 而这是他们第一次公然带有政治目的。
Chinese consumers like to signal their success more overtly than those in many other countries. 与其它许多国家的消费者相比,中国消费者喜欢更公开地展露自己的成功。
From the style we use the quotations, they are overtly use and covertly use; 从用典的方式上看,引用典故有明引和暗引;
The U.S.and these regimes overtly and covertly, because they serve organized capital. 美国和欧盟的支持这些制度公开和秘密,因为他们所服务组织的资金。
North Korea has been defiantly challenging the international community in a way that Saddam Hussein was not, at least overtly, and which the Iranians are not quite doing. 朝鲜一直悍然挑战国际社会,其方式是萨达姆侯赛因(saddamhussein)至少不会公然采取的,伊朗也没有这么做。
He was an animal. a graceful, hard, male animal who did nothing overtly to dominate her yet dominated her completely, in the exact way she wanted that to happen at this moment. 他就是一只动物,是一只优美,坚强、雄性的动物,表面上没有任何主宰她的行为,而事实上完完全全的主宰了她,此时此刻她所要的正是这样。
Mr Nawaz does not overtly accuse America of sabotaging the plane. 纳瓦斯先生并没有公然谴责美国阴谋破坏飞机的行为。
We don't want to challenge the ratings agencies by being overtly provocative, he told the Financial Times in an interview. 我们不想因做过头而挑战评级机构,他在采访中告诉英国《金融时报》。
It is a double-faced behavior to agree overtly but oppose covertly. 阳奉阴违是一种两面派行为。