Comparison of overwintered bionomics of Chilo suppressalis larvae from paddy-rice field with those from water-oat field in North China 北方稻田和茭白田二化螟越冬幼虫生物学特性的比较
Study on the Early occurrences and Age-compositions of the Overwintered mesquite, Culex tritaeniorhynchus Giles 三带喙库蚊越冬后发生规律及其生理年龄组成的研究
Adoxphyes orana occurred for6 generations annually in fuzhou, fujian, it occurred by generations, the old and adult larvae overwintered by producing cocoon and turning into pupa in the bark crack and litter. 摘要橄榄黄小卷叶蛾在福建福州地区年发生6代,世代重叠,以老熟幼虫在树皮裂缝和枯枝落叶中结茧化蛹越冬。
Studies during 1990-1993 revealed that the pathogen overwintered mainly through conidia on the diseased plant residues in the fields and primary infection sources of the disease were the residues, seeds, and seedlings. 病原菌主要以分生孢子和菌丝体在田间病残体上越冬,早春可再生大量次生孢子,成为发病的初侵染来源。
It had two generations per year and overwintered by female adults. 年发生二代,以雌成虫越冬;
Taken the temperature, humidity and precipitation as input characteristic factors, the oviposition time of overwintered corn bore was forecasted, by using compositional rule of inference ( CRI), which is one of the methods of the multiple and complex fuzzy implication. 以温度、湿度、雨量为特征因子,用CRI法研究属于多重复合模糊蕴涵的越冬代玉米螟产卵期问题。
The 1983~ 1991 years studies indicated that the fungus overwintered on voluntary seedlings of wheat mainly in the cool and wet areas along the mountains. 1983~1991年的研究表明,白粉病菌主要在凉爽阴湿的沿山地区自生麦苗上越夏;
The primary source of infection was the oospore overwintered in soil and plant survival. 其主要侵染来源是土壤中和植物病残体上越冬的卵孢子。
Eight indices of aggregation are used to calculate the spatial distribution pattern of overwintered generation adults and first-instar nymphs of Unaspis euonymi. 本文应用8个聚集性指标测算了卫矛矢尖蚧越冬代成虫及1龄若虫的空间分布型。
The pest overwintered in old larva, pupa and adult from December. 12月以老熟幼虫、蛹、成虫越冬。
It overwintered as initial larva in dead noble or insect webs. 以初孵幼虫在枯死针叶和虫苞内越冬。
They overwintered in 3-4 instar nympha in the soil, root of wheat, stubble, fallen leaves, weeds and other places. 该虫以3-4龄若虫在土壤、稻茬、小麦根部、枯枝、杂草等场所越冬,3月份温度升高后越冬代若虫开始活动。
Experiments indicated that Vibrio Cholerae overwintered through the viable but non-culturable state. 实验还证明霍乱弧菌的越冬是通过活的非可培养状态实现的。
The larvae overwintered in the fallen chestnut shells and trunks. 在粤东栗区1年发生7个世代,以幼虫在落地栗壳、树干等处越冬。
It bred 3-4 generations one year and overwintered by means of larva or pupa. 每年发生3~4代,以幼虫、蛹越冬。
Timing oviposition period of the overwintered Coccinella septempunctata through temperature control 控制温度以调节越冬后七星瓢虫的产卵期
Changes in photosynthetic rate of overwintered leaves of tea plants in spring 茶树越冬叶春季光合速率的变化
Inference Forecast on Oviposition Time of Overwintered Corn Borer Based on Multiple and Complex Fuzzy Implication 基于多重复合模糊蕴涵的玉米螟产卵期推理预测
The investigation showed that the main sources of initial infection come from the diseased stem residues and plants of asparagus which overwintered in field. 结果表明,病害初侵染源主要来自残留田间病茎和病株。
It overwintered by pupa in cocoon and adult eclosion began in mid-April next year. By the end of April, the first generation of larvae appeared. There were four infestation periods of larvae occurred in a year. 以蛹在茧壳内越冬,翌年4月中旬成虫开始羽化,4月下旬出现第1代幼虫,1年中具有4个幼虫危害期。
Artificial simulated experiment confirmed that larvae overwintered in a dormant state with its body shrinked, and its body became yellow. 通过人工模拟实验证实,幼虫以休眠状态在冻土层越冬,身体皱缩、发黄。