It has 2 generations in a year and overwinters as adult in Alar County, Xinjiang. 该虫在新疆阿拉尔1年发生2代,主要以成虫在树干蛀盲孔越冬。
The female adult overwinters in the crack of willows` bark. 该虫以受精的雌成虫在柳树的树皮裂缝中越冬。
An example is Puccinia graminis, the stem rust of cereals and grasses, which overwinters on the barberry. 例如生活在禾草上,引起麦类秆锈病的禾柄锈菌,必须在在小蘖属植物上越冬。
It has one generation per year and overwinters as adult in soil a depth from 60 to 90 cm in Zhejiang province. 该虫在浙江省一年一代,以成虫在土下60~90cm处越冬。研究结果表明,改单一的旱作制为水旱轮作是防治该虫的根本办法。
Eutomostethus nigritus Xiao has1~ 2 generations a year and overwinters as larvae. 毛竹黑叶蜂在福建福州一年发生1~2代,以幼虫越冬。
It has three generations a year in Shanghai and overwinters asa diapaused larva in the head of the garlic and the dead cotton boll. 在上海一年发生三代,以滞育幼虫在蒜头和枯棉铃组织内越冬。
The insect has one generation a year in central Yunnan Province and overwinters as the 3rd or 4th instar larvae in the xylem tunnel of the trunk and branch of its host. 该虫在滇中地区1a发生1代,以3、4龄幼虫在寄主枝干的木质部内越冬。
H. magnanima occurred 4 generations per year and overwinters in larval stage. 茶长卷叶蛾年发生4代,以幼虫越冬。
It has one generation a year in Fushun area and overwinters as fertilized female adult. 在抚顺地区1年发生1次,以受精后的雌成虫越冬。
The insect pest has 2 generations per year and overwinters as eggs in surface layer of trunks and twigs of Poplar and Willow trees in this area. 该害虫在阿勒泰地区1年发生2代,以卵在杨树、柳树等树干和枝条表皮内越冬。
This insect has one generation a year in North Fukien and overwinters in larval stage. 在福建闽北一带,该虫一年发生一代,以幼虫在枝梢越冬,3月下旬雌、雄性幼虫相继化蛹;
There are 4 generations of the insect per year in Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province, and the moth overwinters as larvae. 在扬州1年发生4代,以幼虫越冬;
In Beijing area, naturally occurring scaeva pyrastri overwinters as mated female adult in deep stone crevices. 在北京地区,斜斑鼓额食蚜蝇以交配过的雌成虫在深石缝中越冬。
It has one generation per year and overwinters in the egg stage on the weeds of Cyperaceae. 一年发生一代,以卵在莎草科杂草上越冬。
EPP mainly overwinters as adults beneath bud scales. 该螨一年多代,主要以成螨在芽鳞下越冬。
It has 3 generations annually in Youxi County of Fujian and overwinters as 1~ 2-year-old larvae on deciduous leaves. 当年生的嫩芽、嫩叶与嫩梢,亦危害老叶。该虫在福建尤溪1a发生3代,以1~2龄幼虫在缀叶中越冬。
, distributing Southeast Asia, is an important pest of longan in South China. The pest develops one generation per year and overwinters with the adult. 分布于东南亚,是中国南方龙眼树的一种重要害虫,年生一代,以成虫越冬。
It occurs 1 generation a year in poplars in Guanzhong region, Shaanxi Province and overwinters as second age nymph on young poplar branch. 用有机酸及杀虫剂处理的杨枝把诱集棉铃虫该虫在关中1a发生1代,以2龄若虫固定在幼龄枝条上越冬。
C. suppressalis overwinters as a diapause larva in the field and diapause is an important stage in its life history. 二化螟以滞育幼虫在水稻和茭白田中越冬,滞育是其生活史的一个重要阶段。