The extra data spills over into memory near the intended storage area and overwrites data that may have nothing to do with that area's original purpose. 额外的数据溢出到预期存储区附近的内存中,并且覆盖与该区域的原始用途无关的数据。
The result is that the extra data overwrites adjacent memory locations. 结果导致额外的数据重写邻近的内存位置。
The former operator appends to the existing file ( so data may still be recovered), and the latter overwrites existing content. 前一个操作符在现有文件中追加内容(所以仍然可以恢复数据),后者覆盖现有内容。
The libsafe versions of those functions check to make sure that array overwrites can't exceed the stack frame. 那些函数的libsafe版本执行相关的检查,确保数组改写不会超出堆栈桢。
Further, you might choose to prevent accidental removal or overwrites by making the source code globally read-only. 而且,您可以通过使得源代码在全局范围内成为只读的,来防止意外地删除或者覆盖。
If the copy was successful, then the new updated file is copied and overwrites the original file. 如果复制成功,那么将复制新的更新后的文件并覆盖旧文件。
Depending on the option, it may create unique names so that a new file never overwrites an existing one. 根据选项,它可以创建唯一名称,以便新文件决不会覆盖现有文件。
This overwrites any draft ballot entry for the associated e-mail address, effectively starting the process again from the beginning. 这将覆盖对应电子邮件地址的预选票项,从而有效地从头再次处理选票。
It overwrites the entries you added earlier. 它将改写您前面添加的条目。
The synchronization mechanism for the repository overwrites the existing models if there are no parallel changes detected. 如果没有平行变更被检测到的话,那么存储库的同步化机理会重写已存在的模型。
Form overwrites or "But I changed it!" 表单覆盖或者“但是我已经改过它了!”
If there is a user_compile() in e2fsprogs-1.18. ebuild, it overwrites the default version defined previously. 如果在e2fsprogs-1.18.ebuild中有一个usercompile(),则它覆盖前面定义的缺省版本。
In general, this limitation doesn't end up negatively impacting people very often, since file appends are generally much more common than file overwrites. 一般说来,这个限制并不经常对人们具有负面影响,因为附加的文件一般比覆盖的文件更普遍。
If so, rather than update an existing record, which overwrites the information, the method creates a new record to capture the revision. 如果启用,该方法将创建一个新记录来捕获修订,而不是更新一个现有记录,那会覆盖该信息。
Writing an attribute either creates that attribute or overwrites an existing attribute with the same name. 写入属性,或者创建该属性,或者利用相同的名字覆盖已有的属性。
Because ZFS never overwrites data but instead writes to a new location, older data can be preserved ( but in the nominal case is marked for removal to converse disk space). 因为ZFS从不覆盖数据而是写入到新的位置,所以可以保护较早的数据(但是在不重要的情况下被标记为删除以逆转磁盘空间)。
We said that output redirection using n> usually overwrites existing files. 使用n>的输出重定向通常覆盖现有的文件。
The malware overwrites data in such a way that it can be nearly impossible to recover using standard means. 该恶意软件用特殊方法重写数据,用常规手段几乎不可能恢复。
Verifying the backup will read the entire backup and check for media integrity. Checking the identity and expiration of the media prevents accidental overwrites. 验证备份时将读取整个备份并检查媒体的完整性。请检查媒体的标识及到期时间以避免意外重写。
Through aborative observation, we found that the Neighbor Cache entry with the new link-layer address overwrites the old. 通过仔细观察,我们发现新链路层地址的邻居缓存条目会覆盖旧的条目。
She often overwrites her speeches. 她常常把她的讲演稿写得过长。
If a table with the specified name already exists, access overwrites the contents of the table with the imported data. 如果已经存在使用指定名称的表,access就会用导入的数据覆盖该表的内容。
Because Select() overwrites its arguments, the caller must make a copy of each list before passing it to Select(). 因为Select()方法对参数进行了重写,所以调用者在把每一个列表传入Select()方法之前必须要保留一个备份。
This option overwrites all information in the existing configuration. 此选项将覆盖现有配置中的所有信息。
Resource Mailbox Wizard overwrites any data that is currently assigned to Custom Attribute 10. 资源邮箱向导将覆盖当前分配给自定义属性10的所有数据。
This command overwrites any changes you have made to the selected disc's title or chapter names. Do you want to continue? 该命令会覆盖已对选定的光盘标题或章节名作出的任何更改。要继续吗?
After the download is complete, let the host quits, then the new file overwrites the old file. 下载完成后,先让宿主程序退出,再将新文件覆盖旧文件。
Property overwrites the old value. 属性将改写旧值。
Creates or overwrites the specified file with the specified buffer size, file options, and file security. 创建或改写具有指定的缓冲区大小、文件选项和文件安全性的指定文件。
When the routing group master is informed of an update, it overwrites the link state table with the new information. 当路由组主服务器收到更新时,用新信息重写链路状态表。