So, instead of overwriting the contents of the remote directory, the local doc directory is copied into the remote directory. 所以,将本地doc目录复制到远程目录中,而不是覆盖远程目录的内容。
Overwriting a function pointer or exception handler that is subsequently executed. 重写随后执行的函数指针或异常处理程序。
You must ensure, for example, that you are appending, not overwriting, information to the log file ( see Listing 6). 例如,您必须确保是将信息追加(而不是覆盖)到日志文件中(请参见清单6)。
Each task can be extended by adding addition steps, or by overwriting existing steps. 通过添加附加步骤或覆盖现有步骤,可以扩展每个任务。
Header files are not uniquely named, so installing everything in one place would cause collisions, with one package overwriting another's header files. 头文件的命名不是唯一的,所以将所有的内容安装到一个地方将会导致冲突,一个包有可能覆盖另一个包的头文件。
To avoid overwriting variables unintentionally, name your variables carefully. 为了避免无意中覆盖了变量,请小心地命名变量。
This section discusses how a given process's execution flow can be changed by overwriting a local variable. 本节将讨论如何通过重写局部变量更改给定进程的执行流程。
In this strategy, once the last primary log file is filled in the log directory, new transactions will be written to the first log file thereby overwriting existing log data. 在此策略中,一旦日志目录中最后一个主日志文件被写满了,就会将新的事务写到第一个日志文件中,从而覆盖现有的日志数据。
Update prevents rsync from overwriting newer files. update可以防止rsync覆盖较新的文件。
Accidentally overwriting bindings by introducing a variable name that was previously defined in a macro. 如果引入的变量名正好是一个宏中以前定义过的,那么就会覆盖绑定。
This could be destructive ( in that you may be overwriting files in/ etc that you wanted to keep). 这可能会产生破坏(可能会覆盖/etc中希望保留的文件)。
Preserving a slot's original value before overwriting enables the live object set to be preserved and processed. 在重写启用活对象设置保护和处理之前保留槽的原始值。
Since you are overwriting the previous contents in a ring buffer, you lose data by doing so. 因为您覆盖了循环缓冲区中以前的内容,所以在完成该操作后,您将丢失以前的数据。
Normally for an FTP, this would mean resubmitting the job and overwriting the original transfer. 对于FTP来说,这通常意味着要重新提交作业并覆盖原来的传输。
Object versioning offers additional protection against inadvertent loss or overwriting of data. 对象版本控制提供了防止数据意外丢失或覆盖的额外保护。
Overwriting the saved return-instruction pointer in a stack frame. 重写栈框架中经过保存的返回指令指针。
However, with NcFTP you can resume the session by either appending or overwriting. 但是,可以使用NcFTP通过追加或覆盖来继续会话。
By default, the Web services wizard will replace your previous skeleton class and any business logic in it with a fresh skeleton ( provided you have enabled file overwriting). 默认情况下,服务向导将会用最新的框架(倘若您已经激活了文件的重写)来取代您先前的框架类和它里面的任何业务逻辑。
This is called overwriting free space. 这就叫做覆盖自由空间。
Do you want to save the game in progress by overwriting the game selected? 你是否要覆盖你所选择的存档以保存当前游戏进度?
Y: Do not prompt before overwriting an existing file. y:在改写现有文件前不提示。
If the output file is the same name as the input file, the tool generates an error to prevent overwriting the type library. 如果输出文件的名称与输入文件的名称相同,则该工具将生成一个错误,以防止重写该类型库。
Access includes deleting and overwriting files or directories. 访问权限包括对文件和目录的删除和改写。
Copies non-blank elements from the specified style, overwriting existing style elements if necessary. 从指定的样式中复制非空白元素,如有必要则改写现有的样式元素。
Thus, overwriting such a file will not succeed in deleting the file's contents from the disk. 因此,在从磁盘中删除文件的内容时,覆写这样的文件将不成功。
Copies an existing file to a new file, allowing the overwriting of an existing file. 将现有文件复制到新文件,允许改写现有文件。
Some unsupported data or formatting has been removed. If you want to save the file, give it a new name to avoid overwriting the original file. 已删除了一些不支持的数据和格式。如果要保存该文件,请使用新文件名,以避免覆盖原始文件。
Overwriting a file of the same name is allowed. 允许改写同名的文件。
Copy the new files to your server, overwriting old files. 将新的文档复制到你的服务器上面,覆盖旧的文档。