For demonstration purposes, I overwrote the validate() method and used the error tracking feature of Struts. 为了便于说明,我重写了validate()方法,并使用了Struts的跟踪功能。
Even if you make a mistake and forget to reapply or misapply a change, there's always a complete history of all changes ( including the ones you overwrote) to refer to. 即便是您出了错,忘记重新应用更改或是错误地应用了更改,总是可以找到所有更改的完整历史(包括您覆盖的那些更改)供您参考。
The X-ray imaging showed its contents, including the name of the scribe who overwrote the parchment with religious text. X-射线成像技术显示出它的内容,包括在手稿上复写经文的抄写员的名字。