After purification and refoldation of the recombinant OvPrPC, conformational changes of ovine prion protein was triggered by thermal denaturation. 并在热力学因素的作用下,研究了重组绵羊朊蛋白的构象转化。
COMPOSITION: Ovine Meat and Bone Meal – Produced from the solid material left over after the dehydration of the offal and removal of the fat. 合成方式:绵羊肉骨粉–由脱水去脂后的动物的固体残余物制成。
Effect of the inhibitor of cdk and specific phosphodiesterase isoenzyme inhibitors on ovine oocytes meiotic maturation in vitro Action of protein phosphatase-1 on Tat-dependent HIV-1 transcription and its related inhibitors 磷酸二酯酶亚型抑制剂与细胞周期蛋白抑制剂对绵羊卵母细胞体外成熟的影响蛋白磷酸酶1对HIV-1转录的调节作用及其抑制剂研究
Prokaryotic Expression, Purification and Identification of Ligand Binding Domain of Ovine Integrin β 6 as FMDV Receptor 口蹄疫病毒受体羊源整联蛋白β6亚基配体结合域的原核表达、纯化及鉴定
In this paper we briefly introduced the structure, classification and function of ovine antimicrobial peptides. 作者综述了绵羊抗菌肽的结构、分类及其功能。
Ovine theileriosis is caused by Theileria species and transmitted by ticks to sheep and goats. 羊泰勒虫病是由羊的泰勒虫引起的绵羊和山羊的一种蜱传性血液原虫病。
The effects of different embryo bisection solutions and methods and embryo development stages on in vitro embryos bisection of ovine were researched in this experiment. 主要研究了胚胎分割液、分割方法和胚胎发育时期对绵羊体外生产胚胎的影响。
The Tendency of Mitochondrial distribution during Maturation in vitro of Ovine Oocytes 绵羊卵母细胞体外成熟过程中的线粒体分布变化
Effects of Different Freezing Methods on Developmental Capability of Ovine GV Stage Oocytes 不同冷冻方法对GV期绵羊卵母细胞发育效果的影响
Depleting Endogenous Germ Cells for Transplantation Recipients of Spermatogonial Stem Cells in Ovine 绵羊精原干细胞移植受体内源性生殖细胞的消除研究
Research on the PCR Method to Detect Ovine Chlamydia abortus 羊流产衣原体的PCR检测方法研究
Comparison of the Ovine Sperm Capacitation and Fertilization in vitro among the Different Concentrations of Serum Collected from Their Different Estrous Stages 不同发情阶段的绵羊血清对绵羊精子获能和体外受精的影响
Primary Establishment of Co-Culture System of Ovine Germ Cell in Vitro and Identification of Different Stages of Germ Cells 绵羊雄性生殖细胞体外共培养体系的初步建立及对各级生殖细胞的鉴定
Cloning of the Major Surface Protein P32 Gene from Ovine Theileria and Construction of Eukaryotic Expression Vector 羊泰勒虫主要表面蛋白P32基因的克隆及真核表达载体的构建
The Effects of Different Embryo Bisection Solutions and Bisection Methods on the Result of in Vitro Embryos Bisection of Ovine 胚胎分割液及分割方法对绵羊体外胚分割效果的影响
In the search for biomaterials we have identified ovine forestomach matrix ( OFM), a thick, large format ECM which is biochemically diverse and biologically functional. 在探索生物材料过程中,我们鉴定出具有多种生物化学和生物学功能的羊贲门窦基质(OFM),一种大而厚的细胞外基质。
The parthenogenesis efficiencies of bovine, ovine in vitro maturation ( IVM) oocytes were also studied between ionomycin, electric activation and replaced medium. 这也说明了更换培养基不利于其体外囊胚发育率。
Relationship between Hemodynamics Changes of Ductus Venous and Inflammatory Mediators in the Ovine Fetus with Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome 胎羊炎症反应综合征静脉导管血流动力学变化与炎性介质关系的研究
Molecular Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Ovine TTF-1 Gene 绵羊TTF-1基因分子克隆及序列分析
Progress on Ovine Theileriosis and Genetically Engineered Vaccine in China 我国羊泰勒虫病及其基因工程疫苗研究进展
In this experiment, the influences of freezing methods on developmental capability of ovine GV stage oocytes were examined. 文章主要分析了不同冷冻方法对绵羊GV期卵母细胞发育效果的影响。
Distinction and Identification of Milk Powder and Bovine or Ovine Meat and Bone Meal in Ruminant Feedstuffs 反刍动物饲料中乳源性成分与牛羊肉骨粉的区分
Effect of the thermodynamic factor on conformational conversion of the ovine prion protein in vitro 热力学因素对绵羊重组朊蛋白体外构象转化的作用
Studies on Extraction and Purification of Effective Components from the Mixed Bovine and Ovine Bile and Pharmacokinetics of Glycocholic Acid in Rats 牛羊混合胆汁中有效成分的提取纯化及GCA在大鼠体内的药动学研究
Small Hei Yang lives ovine life, often sad weep. 小黑羊过着寄人篱下的日子,经常伤心落泪。
Cashmere-like acrylic machine knitting yarn Study on Ovine Homogeneity and Goat-Ovine Heterogeneity Cloned Embryos in Vitro 仿羊绒腈纶机织绒线绵羊同种及绵羊&山羊异种核移植研究
Establishment of Real-time PCR Detection Method for Bovine and Ovine Derived Materials in Feedstuff 饲料中牛羊源成分荧光定量PCR检测方法的建立
Created especially to moisturise, smooth and rejuvenate, these cr è mes are enriched with Bee Propolis and Ovine Placenta to revitalise your skin for a more youthful complexion. 创造特别是对水份,让人们皮肤更光滑和充满活力,这些包含丰富羊胎素成份会使您的皮肤富有弹性,您的脸色更年轻。
In this heterogeneous system the dose-response curve of ovine LH was parallel to that of rat LH. 在这异源的系统中羊LH和大鼠LH的剂量反应曲线是平行的。