The present paper reports schistosome can maturate and oviposit in Apodemus agrarius infected the parasite primarily. 初次实验感染日本血吸虫的姬鼠,虫体能发育成熟,并从粪中排出虫卵;
Women in this period of oviposit period: vagina secretion for preparing for sperm into, may be thin, resist bacteria would poorer, for swimming, easy cause vaginal infection and inflammation. 女性排卵期:此时期阴道的分泌物因准备迎接精子的进入,可能会比较清稀,抵抗细菌的能力也会较差,若此时游泳,很容易造成阴道感染及发炎。
Mated females of C.azumai preferred to oviposit in gravid and egg-laying H.pitysophila females and could discriminate between parasitized and unparasitized hosts. 交配过的雄蜂喜欢寄生产卵初期和盛期的雌成蚧,对巳寄生的寄主具有识别能力。
Still also be in twice commonly among menstruation of around time oviposit. 一般也还是在两次月经中间四周时间排卵的。
Both fecundity and egg hatchability were markedly reduced on CJ-06, when newly emerged WBPH females continuously fed and were allowed to oviposit in it. 如果让刚羽化的白背飞虱在春江06上连续取食和产卵的话,其产卵能力和卵孵化能力明显降低。
Because follicular period accident is changeful, oviposit happens likely at any time. 因为卵泡期的长短易变,排卵随时有可能发生。
Experts found that women often migraine in two between menstrual oviposit period or menstrual cramps, and appear before in this period of estrogen in women far higher than usual. 专家发现,女性偏头痛往往在两次月经之间的排卵期或月经来潮之前出现,而处于这一时期的女性体内雌激素含量远较平常要高得多。
Be pregnant likely in any moment, the situation of every female is different, likelihood at any time of oviposit. 在任何时候都有可能怀孕的,每个女性的情况不同,可能随时排卵的。
Not OK according to the oviposit last month period be this month with respect to mistake is same time oviposit! 不可以根据上个月的排卵期就误认为这个月就是相同时间排卵!
Fundamental temperature should hold to a quantity, because menstruation forbids, the time of oviposit period also is met different! 基础体温要坚持量,因为月经不准,排卵期的时间也会不一样的!
SSB from both rice and Zizania fields mostly prefer to oviposit on Zizania plants. 产卵选择性试验结果表明,水稻田和茭白田二化螟均喜在茭白植株上产卵。
This ill cent has oviposit result blood to be mixed without oviposit result blood two kinds, former it is oviposit function produces an obstacle, good hair reaches the turn of life at adolescence; 本病分为无排卵型功血和有排卵型功血两种,前者是排卵功能发生障碍,好发于青春期及更年期;
When occurrence problem of hormone level and oviposit, ovarian can fall ill. 当激素水平和排卵出现问题时,卵巢就会生病。
Temperature rises when reaching highest peak, reaching is oviposit period is gotten on for; when dropping to the nadir, temperature drops is menses! 体温上升及达到最高峰时就是排卵期快到了;体温下降跌到最低点时就是月经期了!
The female insect has a clear selectivity on the location and development stage of the fruit for them to oviposit. 成虫产卵对果实的部位以及果实的发育阶段有明显的选择性。
The adult begins to mate and oviposit after developing to sex mature for 220 to 280 days. 羽化成虫经220~280d性成熟,开始交配产卵。
A female adult could oviposit an average of 41. 6 eggs in its life span. 产卵量为41.6粒/雌。
The mite could feed balsam pear, but the pest on balsam pear showed longer period of development, shorter longevity of the female adults, higher mortality and did not oviposit. 朱砂叶螨能够取食苦瓜叶片,但发育历期延长,雌成螨寿命缩短,死亡率较高,而且在苦瓜上不产卵。
As to different host plants, HJS strain preferred to oviposit in the host eggs on pepper, but tobacco budworm preferred to oviposit on tobacco. HJS对辣椒上烟青虫卵的寄生选择系数较高,而烟青虫偏好产卵于烟草。
Objective Clinical value of observation ovum growth and oviposit in sterility symptom treatment. 目的观测卵泡生长发育和排卵在不孕症治疗中的临床价值。
Under both conditions, RSB females significantly preferred to oviposit on rice plants, egg deposition and hatching rate on corn and wheat plants were significantly lower. 结果发现,在无选择和有选择条件下二化螟雌蛾均显著嗜好在水稻植株上产卵,在玉米、小麦上二化螟产卵量、孵化率明显降低。
There was no significant difference was observed in the oviposit behaviour of stem borer fed on transgenic Bt rice compared with control rice, which indicated that mix growth model was adopted in our country. 转Bt基因水稻对二化螟成虫的产卵选择行为较对照无显著变化,可在栽培措施上采用混合栽培。