A method was developed to determine clorsulon residue in ox liver by high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry ( HPLC-MS/ MS). 研究了采用固相萃取净化,高效液相色谱-串联质谱(HPLC-MS/MS)法测定牛肝中氯舒隆残留量的方法。
Autumn – The ox head replaced by a star on the bonnet. 秋季-发动机罩上的牛头标志被三叉星标志代替。
Methods: TLC was used to quantitative identified Beisisu in artifical ox gallstone, using isooctane-toluene-n-butanol-glacial acetic acid-ethanol-water ( 144211) as developing solvent. 方法:采用薄层色谱法对人工牛黄中贝斯素进行定性鉴别,以异辛烷-甲苯-正丁醇-冰乙酸-乙醇-水(1:4:4:2:1:1)为展开剂。
Interestingly, these traits can be spotted on famous people born in the Year of the Ox, like the French emperor Napoleon and the English comedic actor Charlie Chaplin. 有趣的是,这些特点在一些牛年生的名人上都有所体现,例如:法国国王拿破仑,英国喜剧演员查理-卓别林。
Promoting the Increase of Bio-products Quality through Ensuring the Quality of Ox-serum 保证牛血清质量促进生物制品品质的提高
Objective To investigate the effects of the epirubicin-carboxymethly dextran iron ox-ide magnetic nanoparticles ( EPI-CDMN) combined with with external magnetic fields on human bladder cancer BIU-87 cells proliferation and apoptosis in vitro and subcutaneous xenograft bladder cancer growth of nude mice in vivo. 目的探讨脉冲外电磁场协同表阿霉素(EPI)-羧甲基葡聚糖氧化铁磁性纳米颗粒(CDMN)对人膀胱癌BIU-87细胞体外增殖活性和裸鼠皮下移植膀胱癌生长及其凋亡的影响。
NF-κ B activity in GMCs of the Zucker rats induced with Ox-LDL plays an important role in the early renal lesion of diabetes mellitus. OXLDL诱导的NFκB活化在Zucker肥胖大鼠的早期肾损害中起着更为重?
Purification of ox-BB creatine kinase 牛脑脑型腺苷三磷酸&肌酸磷酸转移酶的提纯
In this paper the polarographic behavior of terbium-oxine ( Ox)-sodium perchlorate system has been studied. 本文研究了铽-8-羟基喹啉(Ox)-高氯酸钠体系的极谱行为。
Effects of Ox-LDL and Lipid metabolism on cerebral infarction in aged patients 氧化型低密度脂蛋白及脂质代谢对老年脑梗死的影响
The Hong Valley of Yi County, Anhui& China's Ancient Ox-shaped Valley 中国牛形古村落&安徽黟县宏村
According to the brucellosis serological positive rates of the sheep, ox, pig and man in fifteen National Key Surveillance Points during 1993-1998, the grey model, the weighted average model and the other models were conducted to forecast positive rates respectively. 根据1993~1998年布鲁氏菌病全国监测点羊、牛、猪、人的血清学阳性率资料,利用灰色模型,加权平均法和其他方法,建立了数学预测模型。
Objective To understand whether native and oxidized low density lipoprotein ( n-LDL, ox-LDL) can induce cultured aortic smooth muscle cells ( SMCs) to express macrophage inflammatory protein-1 α mRNA. 目的探讨天然和氧化低密度脂蛋白(NLDL,OXLDL)能否诱导培养的兔主动脉平滑肌细胞表达巨噬细胞炎性蛋白(MIP)1αmRNA。
The reactions of N ( B-Hydroxylethyl) oxazolidine ( OX-2) and collagen have been studied by collagen molecule modification using pickled ox-hide collagen as substrates. 以浸酸牛皮胶原为作用物,采用分子修饰方法研究了N(β-羟乙基)恶唑烷(简称OX2)与胶原分子中几种主要活性基的反应。
AIM To investigate the effect of OX-LDL and HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors simvastatin on PKC activity and cytosolic free Ca2+ in cultured human monocytes. 目的探讨OX-LDL及HMG-CoA还原酶抑制剂辛伐他汀对人单核细胞(Mo)表达蛋白激酶C(PKC)活性和胞浆内游离钙(〔Ca2+〕i)浓度的影响。
Functions of Ox-serum in Cell Culturing and Quality Requirements 牛血清在细胞培养中的作用与质量要求
The water-management art, which shaped the whole valley as an Ox-like layout, was also regarded as a miracle of the world cultural heritage. 其将整个村子构建成牛型结构布局的理水艺术,更是被誉为当今世界历史文化遗产的一大奇迹。