The Study on the High-temperature Oxidation-resistant Coating on Niobium and Nb-base Alloy 铌及铌合金高温抗氧化防护涂层研究GB/T14843-1993铌酸锂单晶
The new trends of development in the oxidation-resistant of carbon-carbon composites are reviewed. 综述了碳碳复合材料抗氧化行为的研究现状。
The heavy rare-earth affected alloy die steel's hot treatment deformation, grain size, hardness, decarbonization sensibility, temper stability and oxidation-resistant ability. 从对比试验结果分析表明,重稀土能改善合金模具钢的热处理形变、晶粒度、硬度、脱碳敏感性。回火稳定性、抗氧化等性能。
In addition, the high-temperature oxidation behavior of W-Re alloy and the development, application and existing problems of solid type oxidation-resistant W-Re thermocouples are inquired into respectively in detail. 探讨了钨铼合金的高温氧化行为,实体型抗氧化钨铼热电偶的研制、应用及存在的问题。
It is illustrated with examples that the oxidation-resistant and fracture toughness of Mo-Si-B alloys are much better than that of Mo or MoSi_2.It is indicated that the properties of multiphase Mo-Si-B alloy could be varied with their intermetallic phases. 阐述了Mo-Si-B微观结构对多相Mo-Si-B合金性能的影响,举例说明了多相Mo-Si-B合金的抗氧化性及断裂韧性比钼或钼的硅化物有明显提高。
SiC/ SiO_2 Oxidation-resistant Coatings on Fuel Element Matrix Graphite of High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor 高温气冷堆燃料元件基体石墨的SiC/SiO2抗氧化涂层研究
The experimental data of tracing infrared spectra and conductivity varying with time illuminate that 4-Methy-2, 6-di-tert-butylphenol shows a strong oxidation-resistant stabilization in polyacetylene, and its stabilization mechanism has been investigated. 跟踪红外光谱和电导率随时间变化的测量结果表明,它在聚乙烯中有很强的抗氧稳定作用,并探讨了它的稳定机理。
After annealing at various temperatures, the results of SEM show that the films are compact, thermal shock-resistant, oxidation-resistant and have good compatibility with bulk. 不同温度退火处理后,扫描电镜观察表明:膜致密、与基体结合牢固、抗氧化性能好、抗热冲击。
The Oxidation-Resistant Research of the Cr_3Si Based Alloys with Various Silicon Contents 不同硅含量Cr3Si基合金的抗氧化性研究
Water-soluble oxidation-resistant agent is an organic solderability preservative. 水溶性的防氧化剂是一种有机可焊性保护剂。
The process and its application of the thermal dip Calorizing for steels have been summarized, tne new technology of covering flux-free thermal dip Calorizing has been discussed and the mechanism of oxidation-resistant aluminum liquid surface resulted from microelements has been analysed. 简述了钢材热浸镀铝的工艺和应用,探讨了无覆盖熔剂的热浸镀铝新工艺,并分析了微量元素对铝液表面的抗氧化机理。
Multiphase Mo-Si-B alloys are attractive materials for high temperature structural applications because of their high melting temperature, excellent strength, creep resistance and relatively good oxidation-resistant and fracture toughness at room temperature. 多相Mo-Si-B合金具有高熔点,理想的抗氧化性、抗蠕变性和比较好的室温断裂韧性,是非常具有吸引力的新型高温结构材料。
Oxidation Behavior of an Advanced Niobium-Silicide Based Ultrahigh-Temperature Alloy and Preparation of Its Oxidation-Resistant Coatings 新型Nb硅化物基超高温合金的氧化行为及其抗氧化涂层技术研究
The effects of probiotics and mannan oligosaccharides on performance, immunity and oxidation-resistant ability in early weaned piglets 益生菌、甘露寡糖对早期断奶仔猪生长、免疫和抗氧化机能的影响
Raising the pH value of ammoniacal silver solution with ammonia solution could increase the silver content of the prepared silver-coated copper powder and improve its oxidation-resistant performance. 用氨水提高银氨溶液的pH,可增加制备的镀银铜粉表层的银含量,提高其抗氧化性能。
Preparation and structural formation of oxidation-resistant silicide coatings on Nb-based alloy by pack cementation technique 铌基合金包埋渗法制备抗氧化硅化物涂层及其组织形成
Development of Oxidation-resistant Sealing Material of Carbon-graphite 抗氧化碳-石墨密封材料的研制
Oxidation-resistant alloy layer on graphite electrode 石墨电极表面的抗氧化合金保护层
The turbine blades in aerospace are typically protected by a protective coating to improve the oxidation-resistant property of the substrate. 航空发动机涡轮叶片在使用时必须加防护涂层,以提高基体合金的抗高温氧化性能。
Oxide thermoelectric materials were found to have high working temperature, oxidation-resistant, no pollution, simple preparation, long life and have became new candidate materials with a potential to study and applying values. 氧化物热电材料具有工作温度高、抗氧化、无污染、制备简单、使用寿命长等优点,成为具有研究潜力和应用价值的新型候选热电材料。