Sheets of oxygenic paper aid in maintaining color. Advanced Engineering Fluid Mechanics? 含氧的纸张有助於避免褪色。高等流体力学(含张量分析)
Objective To study the difference between Oxygenic force atomization atmotherapy and supersonic atomization atmotherapy in child bronchiolitis. 目的观察氧驱动雾化吸入与超声雾化吸入疗法治疗小儿喘憋性肺炎疗效。
GC/ MS was performed to qualitative analysis of hydrocarbons and oxygenic components in FCC gasoline. 用GC/MS对FCC汽油中的碳氢化合物和含氧化合物等组分进行详细的定性分析。
Effect of ginkgo biloba extract in relieving oxygenic free radicals injury after subarachnoid hemorrhage 银杏叶提取物对蛛网膜下腔出血后氧自由基损伤的缓解效应
Based on the principle of acid-base reaction, the automatic electrometric titration has been used for the quantitative determination of the oxygenic functional groups, such as carboxyl, hydroxyl, lactone and total acidity. 在Boehm法的基础上,应用酸碱反应的基本原理进行炭黑的表面官能团分析,通过采用滴定法确定反应终点,使测量的准确性和重现性均得到提高。
Oxygenic compounds in crude oils-phenols 原油中含氧化合物&烷基酚类
Making up the Small Oxygenic Consistency in Nitrogen 小浓度氮中氧的配制
In the course of the table tennis athletes training, it is of very notable role in improving the athlete's level of skill and tactics and body's quality that combine the oxygenic athletics and non-oxygenic athletics organically and arrange the athletic load reasonably in different training period. 乒乓球运动员训练过程中,将有氧运动与无氧运动有机结合,在不同训练周期合理安排运动负荷,对于提高运动员技术、战术水平及身体素质等作用显著。
On the one hand, it improved removal rate on N 、 P and oxygenic preservation efficiency. 一方面提高N、P的去除率及氧的保存效率;
Physiological Basis of Oxygenic Supersession in Middle-and Long-distance Running and Its Training 中长跑有氧代谢的生理基础及其训练
Conclusion Deficiency of antioxidant enzyme and injury of oxygenic free radical in pulmonary tissue accompanies the process of hyperoxia induced CLD. 结论肺组织中抗氧化酶系统的活性不足及氧自由基损伤始终伴随高氧致CLD发生、发展的全过程。
Usage of oxygenic raw argon in hydrogen-free argon producing air separation unit 有氧粗氩在无氢制氩空分设备中的利用
Effects of Inhaled Anesthetics with Different Concentration on Oxygenic Metabolism in Porcine Brain and System Exercise and Iron Metabolism 吸入麻醉药对猪脑氧代谢及机体氧供需平衡的影响运动与铁代谢
Study on Application of Oxygenic Fuel DMC on Diesel Buses 含氧燃料DMC在公交柴油车上的应用研究
The anoxic oxygenic biofilm process for treating acrylic wastewater 缺氧&好氧生物膜法处理腈纶废水废水的硝化作用
It is concluded that raising content of oxygen in platelet plasma can provide more oxygen to compensate oxygen supply deficiency for platelet metabolism and improve the efficiency of platelet oxygenic metabolism and the quality of platelet during preservation. 结论提高血小板血浆中的含氧量(溶解氧)可弥补保存袋中血小板代谢的供氧不足,提高血小板的有氧代谢和血小板的保存质量。
Effect on the Immunity Function of the Old by the Oxygenic Endurance Exercises 有氧耐力运动对老年人免疫功能的影响
Analysis on Ginseng& Tea-polyphenol for Scavenging Action of Oxygenic Free Redical in Vitro 人参茶多酚等在体外抗含氧自由基的分析
In the productive process of acrylonitrile, it is important for improving lift time of the catalyst by improving the operational instructs of oxygenic content in the tail gas of reactor. 在丙烯腈生产中,相应提高反应器尾氧含量控制指标,对延长该催化剂使用寿命至关重要。
Conclusion The oxygenic force atomization atmotherapy is better than supersonic atomization atmotherapy in treating child bronchiolitis. 结论氧驱动雾化吸入法治疗小儿喘憋性肺炎有更好的疗效。
The Security Measures and Nursing care in Infant Oxygenic Cabin Treatment 婴儿高压氧舱治疗过程中的安全措施和安全护理
Objective To evaluate the clinical significance of monitoring the oxygenic metabolism in the cerebral tissue during the surgery for aneurysms. 目的为探讨动脉瘤术中进行脑组织氧代谢监测的临床意义。
OBJECTIVE To probe into the effects of plantain seed that acts on eliminating oxygenic free radical and antioxidation on lipid metabolism and antioxidation in rats. 目的:探讨具有清除氧自由基、抗氧化作用的车前子对大鼠脂代谢及抗氧化作用的影响。
The behaviors of extracting gold from alkaline cyanide solution with guanidine and phosphoric-oxygenic compound were studied. 研究了胍与磷氧化合物从碱性氰化液中萃取金的性能,考察了胍、磷酸三丁酯(TBP)和三丁基氧化膦(TBPO)的浓度对金萃取性能的影响。
Objective To establish the animal model of pulmonary hemorrhage ( PH) which is coincident with clinical etiology and investigate damaging effect of oxygenic free radical ( OFR) in PH. 目的制作与临床病因相符的肺出血动物模型,探讨氧自由基(OFR)在肺出血中的损伤作用。
Ozone is able to protect biological organisms from harmful solar ultraviolet radiation that has the potential of damaging organic macromolecules vital to life. Evolution of life on land is thought to have become possible because of ozone formation through oxygenic photosynthesis. 紫外辐射能破坏对生命至关重要的有机高分子,而臭氧可以吸收太阳紫外辐射,从而使生物器官免于其害;陆地生命的演化也被认为与臭氧密切相关。
Cyanobacteria are prokaryotes capable of oxygenic photosynthesis, and are one of the most popular model organisms for photosynthesis research. 蓝藻是一类能进行放氧光合作用的原核生物,也是研究光合作用的模式生物之一。
High oxygenic pressure vessels worked as the environmental control and ecological protection has no exception. 作为环控生保系统的高压氧容器也不例外。