My fish average 2 lb 8 oz and I've had two eight-pounders. 我的鱼平均每条重2磅8盎司,还有过两条重8磅的。
A pike weighing 29 lb 8 oz taken in 1878 was stuffed and is on display at the estate office 一条1878年捕获的重29磅8盎司的梭子鱼被制成标本陈列在庄园管理处。
Nicole Kidman starred Moulin Rouge came fifth, while Phantom of the Opera and The Wizard of Oz stood sixth and seventh respectively. 妮可•基德曼主演的歌舞剧《红磨坊》名列第五;《歌剧魅影》和《绿野仙踪》分别位列第六和第七。
So you wanna get over the idea, as I wrote in the [ Fortune] article [ that] males there's a lot of Wizard of Oz in us. 所以你要推翻这种观念,我在《财富》上写了一篇关于男性的文章在我们当中有很多像奥兹国巫师一样的男人。
Over time my most beloved character became the great and powerful Oz himself. 当时我最喜欢的角色是伟大而强大的Oz本人。
Sara Frisk never thought about traveling to Mexico City until a stranger named Pilar Mu 241; oz invited her. 萨拉·弗里斯克(SaraFrisk)从没想过去墨西哥城,直到一个叫皮拉尔·穆尼奥斯(PilarMu&241;oz)的陌生人邀请了她。
Clinique, which sells a$ 27 4.2 oz bottle of moisturizing lotion, saw a 6% bump. 倩碧(Clinique)销售的4.2盎司保湿化妆水售价27美元,去年销售额增长了6%。
I know Oz is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. 我知道澳洲是这个世界上最美丽的国家之一。
I have lots of Oz books, but not the Lost Princess of oz. 我有许多奇幻小说,除了奇幻公主那本。
Did you have a good Reiationship with your father, oz? 你和你父亲的关系怎么样,奥兹?
My only connection with Fred Stone was that I saw him in the The Wizard of Oz around the beginning of the century. 我与弗雷德·斯通的唯一联系是,大概在世纪初吧,我看过他在《绿野仙踪》中的表演。
What kind of place was it on the west side of Oz? 奥兹国的西面是一个什么样的地方?
If you look at The Red Shoes or Gone with the Wind or The Wizard of Oz, it's film and they photographed them, but they look painterly and slightly unreal, like they're removed from our world. 如果你和风或盎斯的男巫看着红色的鞋子或被离去,它是电影,而且他们照相了他们,但是他们看起来画家的和些微不真正,像他们从我们的世界被移动。
Gold shows some signs of renewal with its safe-haven status, rising$ 10/ oz today. 今天黄金价格上涨了10美元,有重新取得安全避风港地位的一些迹象。
Welcome to OZ English School. It's my pleasure to teach you. 欢迎来澳际英语学校学习,教授你知识是我的荣幸!
Its first hour-long drama," Oz", began in1997. 它第一个小时长度的戏剧“Oz”开始于1997年。
Now, a debt-free oz might even be able to turn the tables to rebuild its portfolio. 如今,一个没有债务负担的oz甚至也许能扭转局面,重新建立自己的资产组合。
For all his boyish appearance and references to "The Wizard of Oz", Mr Campbell speaks with conviction and determination. 虽然他有着孩童般的外表并提到了《绿野仙踪》,但坎贝尔先生的讲话是带着确信和决心的。
The wizard of Oz have is one of children's favorite film. 奥斯之巫一直是孩子们喜爱的影片之一。
They were from varied beliefs and were all in Oz to better the chances for their families. 他们从改变的信仰并且都在盎士到更好为他们的家庭的机会。
Minmetals has already had some success overseas, for example with its oz minerals investment in 2009. 五矿已经在海外获得了一些成功,例如2009年对ozminerals的投资。
Do you remember how the wizard landed in oz? 您还记得巫师是用什麽方法抵达奥兹国的吗?
You got a problem with my religiosity, oz? 你对我的宗教有意见么,奥兹?
I FEEL like Dorothy in'The Wizard of Oz '; 我感觉像《绿野仙踪》里的桃乐茜;