In earlier studies, the pachyderms were offered a long stick while food was placed outside their reach to see if they would use the stick to retrieve it. 在早前的研究中,研究人员将食物放在大象够不着的地方,然后给它们一根长棍子,看它们是否会用它取到食物。
That is how a34-year-old female Asian elephant in the Bronx Zoo showed researchers that pachyderms can recognize themselves in a mirror-complex behaviour observed in only a few other species. 这就是布朗克斯动物园中34岁的亚洲雌象“快乐”向研究者们展示厚皮类动物能在镜子中认出自己的方式。这种复杂行为仅在少数几个物种身上能观察到。
This trend occurred in pachyderms, large whales, and the higher primates. 这种趋势发生在厚皮类动物、大鲸鱼以及较高级的灵长类动物。
The finding puts the pachyderms in the company of humans, apes, and dolphins, and it may help explain their complex social lives and seemingly altruistic tendencies. 这项研究结果使得大象与人类、猿、海豚同属一群了,而且这有可能解释它们的群居生活和互助行为。