This approach isn't the most efficient way to paginate YQL results, and you should avoid using this example in a production environment. 该方法不是为YQL结果分页最有效的方式,您应当避免在生产环境中使用该示例。
More options can be passed through the info_dict, including a paginate_by value that specifies the number of objects per page. 更多选项可以通过infodict来传递,其中包括指定每个页面中对象个数的paginateby值。
As the name suggests, this is a ready-made Zend Framework component that you can use to paginate large data sets. 顾名思义,这是一个现成的ZendFramework组件,您可以用它来为大型数据集分页。
Object is created and used to paginate the contents of the control. 对象并使用该对象对该控件的内容进行分页。
Magazine for single monthly, 96 paginate, international elaborately produced double-sided color printing, international olympiad. 杂志为单月刊,96页码,国际大16开本,双面彩色印刷,国际发行。
I can paginate, preview and print my work. 打印材料时,我会先标上页码,预览后再打印。
Control can paginate its own items, allowing a form to break the single list into multiple pages. 控件可以对自己的项进行分页,使窗体能够将单个列表分散在多个页上。