These painterly techniques are no different than an ad man's display to the consumer of an illusory likeness of the "standards" thant dominate our life. 所有的这些无异于在向人们展示左右我们生活的各种“标准”虚幻的一面。
It is Zhang's unique ability to fuse painterly form with symbolism and metaphor that has established him as one of the great interpreters of Chinese experience of his generation. 这就是张氏的独有能力,利用象徵意义和比喻与绘画形式融合,令他成为一位中国经验的伟大演绎者,在同辈中脱颖而出。
Image and video painterly rendering is an important problem in Non-Photorcalistic Rendering ( NPR), which has various applications in many fields, like cartoon animation, digital entertainment, etc. 图像和视频的油画风格化是计算机图形学中非真实感绘制的热点问题之一,在动漫、娱乐等领域有着较广泛的应用。
The artist has made hundreds of these painterly explorations, and they have become his branded stock in trade. 这位艺术家创作了上百幅这种画家探索式的作品,并且这也成了他交易中的名牌。
Their amplified representation, however, allows the viewer the opportunity to examine easily and closely Kallat's painterly style and technique. 这种夸张的表达方式,令观者有机会轻易地仔细审阅画家的艺术技巧和风格。
The visitor leaves the Paris show smiling, full of admiration for his painterly spirit. 看完巴黎的展览,游客定会会心一笑,对瓜尔迪的美术精神赞叹不已。
I am a schoolgirl, want to be engaged in dress designing, the painterly technology that is me only is not very good. 我是女生,想从事服装设计,只是我的绘画技术不是很好。
This paper reviewed the development of painterly rendering, whilst some typical approaches were investigated and classified, and the characteristic of each technique was fully analyzed. 回顾了图像和视频油画风格化绘制的发展过程,分类介绍了各种方法的特点,并比较了不同方法的优缺点。
If you look at The Red Shoes or Gone with the Wind or The Wizard of Oz, it's film and they photographed them, but they look painterly and slightly unreal, like they're removed from our world. 如果你和风或盎斯的男巫看着红色的鞋子或被离去,它是电影,而且他们照相了他们,但是他们看起来画家的和些微不真正,像他们从我们的世界被移动。
In his creative process, he paid much attention to the painterly aspect of his works, constantly probing the concept of painterliness. 在创作的过程中,一方面他比较注重作品的绘画性,不断进行深入的挖掘;
Simply put, the locus of the Bauhaus was creativity-self expression and the painterly exploration of the unconscious mind. 简单地说,包豪斯的轨迹创造力-自我表达和潜意识的绘画探索。
Painterly theory follows with respect to remnant canvas if wanting to learn. 要学的话就剩油画跟绘画理论了。
With the end of the Mask series, Zeng began to pursue more unmediated forms of painterly expression. 《面具系列》步入尾声后,曾梵志试图追求更直接的情感表现方式。
Based on this, some challenges and possible directions in the domain of image and video painterly rendering were discussed for reference. 在此基础上,讨论了图像和视频油画风格化绘制存在的难点和可能的研究方向。
But given the painterly state of his workspace, it appears that the artist might be returning to his roots. 但是只要提供他画家的工作台,艺术家们就能返回内心(不太会翻译这句话)。
I decided to divide each zone up into interweaving strips and fields. I tried to achieve something that looked painterly. 我决定把每个区域划分成棋盘状的许多小区域,尝试营造一种像图画一样的效果。
The discursion in ancient painterly theory was traditional model analogize configuration not proposition discursion. 古代画论中的推理也是传统的模型类推结构,并非命题推理。
Through studying the logistic configuration of ancient painterly theory, we can look on the development of ancient painterly theory from particular thinking angle, so that create the conditions of thinking for clarifying ancient painterly theory. 通过对古代画论逻辑结构的研究可以从独特的思维角度看待古代画论的发展变化和思维运作,为进一步阐释古代画论创造思维方面的条件。
The logistic form of resemble judgement 、 discursion were also into the Chinese ancient painterly theory, but it's different from western formal logic. 中国古代画论中同样存在类似判断、推理等逻辑形态,但它不同于西方的形式逻辑。
Is divided into two process for, first type is to painterly, skill in individual in abroad methods primarily concerning the research to describe with the characteristic; 有关研究主要分为两类,一类是对国外个体画家的技法的过程和特征的描述;
Analogy was the cognition form in image thinking of ancient painterly theory; 比喻是古代画论形象思维的认知形式;
Chinese ancient simple dialectical thinking mode affected painterly academic expression deeply. 中国古代朴素的辨证思维模式深深影响着古代画论的理论表述。
The judgement in ancient painterly theory has several forms, being differ form single form in western logic. 此外,古代画论中的判断是多相式的,不同于西方形式逻辑单项式和多值判断。
Discussion of Painterly Feature in Cover Design 论封面设计中的绘画性
Chinese ancient painterly theory have peculiar logic configuration, with paying attention to reality and phenomenon 、 having varied forms and continuity course. 中国古代画论有独特的逻辑结构,其特点是注重现实、关注现象、形式多样,过程具有连续性。
The paper presents a new method based on brush stroke to generate different artistic style painterly image. 本文提出了一种自动的、基于笔刷模型的方法来生成具有多种艺术风格的图像。
The model configuration emerged into the symbolistic configuration category, it's entitative at first, then became the dialectical category, it's the thinking theory mode and the position of ancient painterly theory. 虚性结构范畴产生于象性结构范畴中,先成为实性结构范畴,最终成为具有框架性和辨证性的范畴,它是古代画论立论之所在和思维运作的理论化模式。
The entitative configuration category formed independently going with the development of ancient painterly theory, it has dialectical characters of immanent conflict 、 introject 、 transform and so on, it's the theory crystal of been affected by traditional thinking mode. 实性结构范畴是伴随古代画论自身发展,相对独立形成的范畴,多具有内在冲突、融合、转化等辨证特征,它是古代画论在传统思维模式影响下思维运作所产生的理论结晶。