In the circumstances, Paisley's plans looked highly appropriate. 佩斯利所拟定的计划在当时的情况下看来非常恰当。
He was elegantly dressed in a grey suit, blue shirt and paisley tie. 他衣冠楚楚,穿着灰色西服、蓝色衬衫,系着一条佩斯利花纹领带。
The shirts were printed with a paisley pattern 这些衬衫上印着佩斯利旋纹图案。
She was wearing wool slacks and a paisley smock. 她穿着羊毛宽松裤和涡旋花纹宽袍。
Mr. Paisley of Community Marketing recalled walking in San Francisco not too long ago and having someone roll down a car window and yell a gay slur at him. 社群市场机构的佩斯里先生记起不久之前的一天,走在旧金山街头,有人摇下车窗,对着他大声辱骂同性恋。
The breakthrough, announced Monday in Belfast, came after the first face-to-face talks between hardline Protestant leader Ian Paisley and Catholic Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams. 星期一在贝尔法斯特宣布这项突破性协议之前,强硬派的新教领导人佩斯里和天主教新芬党领袖亚当斯举行了首次面对面的谈判。
Mr Paisley says that he will "not be found wanting" if the republicans match their fine words with deeds. 佩斯利说,即使共和党人只说空话,他“不会指望什么”。
"I go by records and Bob Paisley is the No1 manager ever!" Alan Hansen. “我看了许多记录,鲍勃-佩斯利是有史以来最好的经理!”阿兰-汉森。
He wore a Paisley tie with a checked shirt which looked very strange together. 他穿一件格子衬衫戴一条旋纹花呢领带,看上去很怪。
"Mind you, I've been here during the bad times too-one year we came second." Bob Paisley. “记住,我也是在困难时期――我们排名第二,来到这里的。”鲍勃-佩斯利。
Last of all Paisley shook me by the hand and told me I'd acted square and on the level with him and he was proud to call me a friend. 最后同我握手的是佩斯利,他说我为人光明磊落,同我交朋友脸上有光。
Santa was hit by a hail of pastry and dried fruit as the youths launched a barrage of mince pies from the upper level of the shopping centre in Paisley, west of Glasgow. 格拉斯哥西部小镇佩斯利购物中心的圣诞老人遭到几个青年发动的一场“馅饼袭击”,馅饼和干果像下冰雹似的从天而降。
HOLLYWOOD star Gerard Butler has joined the fight to save a closure-threatened children's ward at a hospital in his home town of Paisley. 好莱坞明星杰拉德·巴特勒已经参与了拯救儿童病房的行动,在他的家乡佩斯利一家医院的儿童病房面临倒闭。
Underwood was up against Swift and other artists including Kenny Chesney, Keith Urban and Brad Paisley. 安德伍德此次一举击败斯威夫特,以及肯尼•切斯尼、凯斯•厄本和布拉德•派斯利等实力派选手。
He hasn't done this yet with Arsenal, and it is a feat that was achieved by the greats like Bob Paisley and Sir Alex Ferguson, while Brian Clough won successive European Cups at Nottingham Forest. 在阿森纳他还没有做到这点,这是伟大的教练像巴斯利,弗格森所做到的,克拉夫甚至带领诺丁汉森林连续获得欧洲赛场的奖杯。
Liverpool wouldn't be the club it is today without Bill Shankly and Bob Paisley and the players who played there. 没有比尔-香克利和鲍勃-佩斯利以及那些在这里踢球的球员,利物浦队不会成为象今天这样的俱乐部。
Thursday should be that Paisley thing. 星期四就是那个佩斯利。
"If Shankly was the Anfield foreman, Paisley was the brickie, ready to build an empire with his own hands." Tommy Smith. “如果香克利是安菲尔德的工头,佩斯利就是准备用他的双手建立一个帝国的泥瓦匠。”汤米-史密斯。
Unlike the hapless Mr Trimble, he will not be exposed to sniping from his flanks as Mr Paisley so skilfully used to do. 不像特林伯那么倒霉,佩斯利不会受到两边人士的夹攻。当然,他向来都如此老练。
A checked, flowery, Paisley pattern decorated with wormlike tracery or markings. 格子的、花卉的、佩斯利涡旋纹的图案用虫形的花纹或窗格子来装饰。
In the nineteenth century patchouli is known to have been used to perfume paisley shawls. 19世纪,人们甚至将广藿香精油用做香水围巾上。
In May Mr Paisley will become first minister, with Mr Adams's second-in-command, Martin McGuinness, as his deputy. 五月佩斯利将出任该权利共享政府的首席部长,亚当斯将是该党的二号人物,新芬党的马丁•麦吉尼斯将担任佩斯利的副手。
You shimmer in flowery dresses, and paisley ties are a must for male Bulls. 而花色服装配以螺旋花纹的领带绝对是男性牛儿的首选哦。
Sir Fred, the son of an electrician from Paisley on the outskirts of Glasgow, encouraged his team to set their sights high. 弗雷德爵士是一位电工的儿子,出生于格拉斯哥郊区的佩斯利。
Mr Blair now faced another colossal task, Rev Paisley said. 佩斯利表示,布莱尔现在面临着另一项艰巨任务。
I didn't take my eyes off Paisley as I lifted her high above my head. 我把佩斯里高高举过头顶,眼睛却始终没有离开她。
Doctors in the most-affected areas – Glasgow, Dunoon and Paisley – would be allowed to make a swine flu diagnosis in their surgeries rather than wait for specialist or laboratory tests. 猪流感病毒感染最严重的地区&格拉斯哥(Glasgow)、丹农(Dunoon)及佩斯利(Paisley)的医生将被允许在各自的诊所现场进行猪流感诊断,而不需等待专家或化验。
In the 19th century, every country in Europe in order to capture the market, started to build workshops that imitated Kashmiri shawls. The imitational shawls in Paisley city was the most famous at that time and paisley pattern took its name from the city. 十九世纪的欧洲各国,为了抢占市场,纷纷开始建立起仿制克什米尔披肩的工场,当时仿制的披肩以佩兹利市的最为有名。
It was learned from the research of tracing the pattern of Kashmiri shawls that the origination of Paisley pattern was much further and more complicate than we could imagine. 在对追溯克什米尔披肩纹样源头的研究过程中得出,该种纹样的起源远比我们想象的久远、复杂的多。