Other nationalities, such as Pakistanis, were being airlifted out by their governments 其他国家的人,例如巴基斯坦人,正由本国政府空运出境。
That is part of what we'll be talking to the Pakistanis about when the delegation arrives here. 当巴基斯坦代表团抵达华盛顿以后,这就是我们要和他们讨论的问题的一部分。
He said that for Pakistanis, a safe Afghanistan is a guarantee for a safe Pakistan. 他说,对于巴基斯坦来说,一个安全的阿富汗是一个安全的巴基斯坦的保证。
The largest immigrant groups are Pakistanis, Danes, Swedes, Vietnamese and Iraqis. 最多的移民来自巴基斯坦、丹麦、瑞典、越南和伊拉克。
He says terrorists have killed nearly 2000 Pakistanis so far this year alone. 仅今年一年,恐怖主义就已经提夺去了2千多名巴基斯坦人的生命。
They come to kill innocent Afghans and they come to kill innocent Pakistanis. 他们杀害无辜的阿富汗人,也杀害无辜的巴基斯坦人。
The European Union has pledged millions of dollars in new humanitarian assistance for Pakistanis displaced by fighting between government troops and the Taliban insurgency in the Asian nation. 欧盟已经承诺再次为巴基斯坦提供几百万美元的人道援助资金,帮助在巴基斯坦政府军和塔利班武装分子的战斗中流离失所的巴基斯坦人。
For over 30 years, some Pakistanis volunteered to work as cemetery keepers. 多位普普通通的巴基斯坦人自愿无偿承担起看护陵园的责任,一干就是30多年。
I find out later that the season was filmed in Cape Town, South Africa, with its Indian Muslim community standing in for Pakistanis. 稍后我发现,这一季是在南非的开普敦拍摄的,那里的印裔穆斯林群体扮成了巴基斯坦人。
What is a worrying new development is that the students have been backed by moderate Pakistanis. 最近令人担忧的新发展是该事件发生之后,一部分举棋不定的巴基斯坦人开始把关注和支持投向学生一方。
When the9-11 attacks occurred, the cornered Pakistanis then did a180 and promised to help the US defeat the Taliban and bring the terrorists to justice. 当911袭击发生时,走投无路的巴基斯坦的态度发生了180度的大转弯,承诺帮助美国击败塔利班并将恐怖分子绳之于法。
Even the Pakistanis agree. they're giving you a21-gun salute. 连巴基斯坦人都同意,他们在对你鸣炮致意呢。
It's taken days even for Pakistanis to comprehend the scale of this disaster. 即使巴基斯坦人也花费了几天的时间才了解到这次灾难的规模。
Thus most white middle-class Westerners believe that the US killed Osama bin Laden, whereas most Pakistanis seem to believe his "death" was faked as part of some conspiracy. 所以,大多数西方中产阶级白人相信美国击毙了奥萨马本拉登(osamabinladen),而大多数巴基斯坦人似乎相信,拉登的“死”是伪装的,是个阴谋。
Arabs, Pakistanis and other South Asians make up the largest percentage of the foreign-born Muslim population in the United States. 在外国出生的美国穆斯林人口中,阿拉伯人、巴基斯坦人和其他南亚人(SouthAsians)所占的比例最大。
The Chinese would have enormous interest in this newfangled technology, said the person involved in confronting the Pakistanis. 中国方面对这种新颖的技术会有极大兴趣,上述参与质问巴方的人士表示。
The violence may deter many Pakistanis from voting. 暴力事件可能会阻止许多巴基斯坦人去投票。
The Taliban, moreover, are predominantly ethnic Pushtuns, like many Pakistanis. 此外,塔利班与许多巴基斯坦人同属一个种族,其成员主要是普什图族人。
Major datta, on what basis did you kill those eleven pakistanis? 达塔少校,你根据什么处死了那11个巴基斯坦人?
Ordinary pakistanis, too, have been flocking to Mr chaudhry. 普通的巴基斯坦人也开始追随乔杜里先生。
Most Pakistanis also see this as America's war. 大多数巴基斯坦人都认为美国操持着这场战争(这场战争应该由美国人来打)。
Some Pakistanis also say they suspect the Afghan government of meddling in Pakistan's restive Baluchistan province. 一些巴基斯坦人怀疑阿富汗政府干预巴基斯坦形势不稳定的卑路支省。
Instead, it is targeting only Bangladeshi citizens accused of collaborating with the West Pakistanis. 相反,当下只有孟加拉国平民被指控同西巴基斯坦人相互勾结。
Only rarely do the Pakistanis ask for missile attacks from American drones on targets in the border regions. 然而巴基斯坦人却几乎从未要求美国用无人战机向边境地区进行导弹攻击。
The men were described by British police as Pakistanis living in Britain on student visas. 据英方警察称,这些人是巴基斯坦人,目前持学生签证住在英国。
It is a pastime that many pakistanis greet with bemusement. 这是一种消遣,许多巴基斯坦人迎接与困惑。
What are we to do with the dead pakistanis, sir? 我们怎么处理牺牲的巴基斯坦人,先生?
Don't the Pakistanis love their children? 难道巴基斯坦人不爱他们的孩子?