Total length of tensor veli palatini, levator veli palatini, palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal muscle were demonstrated on coronal images in 10 cases. 10例资料在冠状位像均可显示腭帆张肌、腭帆提肌、腭舌肌、腭咽肌行程。
METHODS: The patients were treated by modified UPPP which maintained the normal anatomic form of pharyngeal cavity, reserved the uvula, performed oblique straight incision along palatoglossal arch to soft palate, and avoided the incision of inverse U type. 方法:改良传统悬雍垂腭咽成形术手术方法,维持咽腔正常生理解剖形态,保留悬雍垂,沿腭舌弓切口向软腭方向做斜行直切口,避免倒U型切口。
Significance of Early Treatment of Mixed Dentition and Palatoglossal Malposition of Lateral Incisors 早期治疗混合牙列侧切牙腭舌向错位的临床意义
The main clinical manifestations are buccal malposition, deep overjet, palatoglossal malposition, torsional malposition and buccal crossbite. 错牙合畸形主要表现依次为颊向错位、深覆盖、舌/腭向错位、扭转错位及正锁牙合。