Objective: To compare the clinical effect of different treatments on the wound-healing of Palatorrhaphy. 目的:对比腭裂患者术中创面不同的处理方法对其术后恢复的影响。
Nursing care of applying inhalant medical biological film for palatorrhaphy in palatoschisis patients. Absorbable biomembrane in the regeneration of mucoperiosteum of the hard palate 可吸收医用生物膜用于腭裂修复的护理应用可吸收生物膜引导硬腭黏骨膜再生
Observation and nursing care of cleft palate infants in anesthesia recovery stage after underwent palatorrhaphy 小儿腭裂修复术后麻醉恢复期的观察与护理
Comparison of Different Disposals on Relief Incision of Palatorrhaphy 腭裂松弛切口不同处理方法的比较
Conclusion: It is of benefit to treat the relief incisions during palatorrhaphy with absorbable styptic gauze. 结论:腭裂松弛切口填塞可吸收性止血纱布比填塞碘仿纱条更有利于患者术后的康复。
Study of using pedicled buccal fat pad graft for bone coverage in primary palatorrhaphy 带蒂颊脂垫覆盖腭裂松弛切口的应用研究
Objective To study the feasibility and linguistic function effect of palatorrhaphy for congenital cleft palate in infancy. 目的分析104例先天性腭裂患儿婴儿期手术修复的效果,探讨先天性腭裂婴儿期修复的可行性及语言功能效果。