The study on evaluating and diagnosing the error of palatoschisis pronunciation by the method of acoustical analysis 应用声学分析方法评价和诊断腭裂发音错误的研究
Methods An artificial bone of phosphate glass ceramic was made to be filled perfectly into gap of the palatoschisis. 方法制备具有生物活性的磷酸盐微晶玻璃骨替代材料;修整后植入硬腭裂隙中。
Nursing care of applying inhalant medical biological film for palatorrhaphy in palatoschisis patients. Absorbable biomembrane in the regeneration of mucoperiosteum of the hard palate 可吸收医用生物膜用于腭裂修复的护理应用可吸收生物膜引导硬腭黏骨膜再生
Etiology of Cheiloschisis and Palatoschisis and Health Education for Patients Therewith 唇腭裂患者的病因分析及健康教育
Supporting to Patients and Their Parents in the Early Treatment of Cheiloschisis and Palatoschisis 唇腭裂早期治疗中对患者及其父母的支持
S: This article selected 60 cases of 2& 6 year old palatoschisis children, divided them into two group and used two kinds of anesthesia methods. The difference of two anesthesia methods were that one group mainly used etomidate for inducting; 60例2~6岁腭裂患儿,分为2组,每组30例,选用2种麻醉方法。
Five birth defects most commonly seen were arranged in following orders: deformity of external ear, polydactyly, congenital heart disease, extremities shortness, cheiloschisis and palatoschisis. 发生率最高的出生缺陷疾病前五名排序为:外耳畸形、多指(趾)畸形、先天性心脏病、肢体短缩、唇裂并腭裂。
Methods Determination of ABR was carried out in 94 children with palatoschisis, and compared with 42 healthy children. 方法对94例腭裂儿童进行ABR测试,并与正常对照组进行比较。
Objective To explore auditory lesion degree in children with palatoschisis and abnormal characteristics of auditory brainstem respones ( ABR). 目的探索腭裂儿童听力受损情况及其听性脑干反应(ABR)异常特征。