It was a Venetian scene, with a perfectly splendid marble palazzo and a lady in a gondola trailing her hand in the water. 那是一幅威尼斯风景画,画面上是金碧辉煌的大理石宫殿,还有一位从平底狭长小船上伸手戏水的贵妇人。哪位艺术家都会注意到它的。
Opening the Venice Film Festival, Sandra Bullock and George Clooney descended on the Palazzo del Cinema to present their new film Gravity. 威尼斯电影节开幕式,巨星桑德拉布洛克和乔治克鲁尼空降在这电影的圣殿上,宣传他们的新片《地球引力》。
Palazzo and his colleagues also roll their eyes at the triumphant declarations being made about recent large-scale surveys of the human genome. 帕拉佐和同事们还将目光转向了近期的一次大规模人类基因组调查的胜利宣言。
Q. When most people think of Versace, they think of the palazzo on Via Ges ù, but it turns out you work somewhere else. 问:提起范思哲,大部分人想到的是耶稣街的豪华宫殿,没想到你实际上在别的地方工作。
The tour, as well as lunch and transportation, can be customized but must be booked at least 10 days in advance and at least three weeks ahead if participants plan on lunch at the Palazzo Taverna. 行程安排、午餐与交通可由客人定制,但必须至少提前10天预订,如在塔维尔纳宫吃午餐,则需提前至少三周预订。
Later, the tour stops for a private lunch and reception on the rooftop terrace of the Marchioness's Palazzo Taverna before heading to the Via Veneto neighborhood and the ancient baths at Caracalla. 之后,旅行团会在侯爵夫人的塔维尔纳宫的楼顶天台上享受私密的午餐和招待,之后去往维亚·维内托城区,以及卡拉卡拉古浴场。
I pass the Palazzo Borghese, a building that has known many famous tenants, including Pauline, Napoleon's scandalous sister, who kept untold numbers of lovers there. 我经过博盖塞宫,许多名人曾住过此地,包括拿破仑恶名远播的妹妹宝琳(Pauline),她不知让多少情人住过这里。
Oh, I agree with you; the windows in the Palazzo Rospoli alone decided me. 我同意你的看法,我也是为了罗斯波丽宫的窗口才这样决定的。
The sculpture is part of an exhibition of the artist's works at the museum palazzo reale, which opens today. 这件雕塑作品也是今日正式开始的皇家博物馆卡特兰作品展的展品之一。
Is this the palazzo of Signor Casanova? 这是卡萨诺瓦的宅邸吗?
It was a Venetian scene, with a perfectly splendid marble palazzo. 这是一幅威尼斯的风景画,画着一座富丽堂皇的大理石宫殿。
We checked out an urban hot spot with some friends on Saturday night, Lavo inside the Palazzo Hotel. 我们签出与一些朋友在星期六晚上,内宫饭店斛城市热点。
Palazzo ( 2007) and comments on the political aspect of corporate social responsibility in the United States. 的研究并评论了美国的公司社会责任的政治方面。
Also worth visiting is the Dean Gallery which has a large collection of works by sculptor Eduardo Palazzo and Picasso. 还值得参观的院长画廊拥有一个大型文集由雕塑家爱德华宫和毕加索。
He was, therefore, about to return to the Palazzo Bracciano without loss of time, when suddenly a luminous idea crossed his mind. 他不敢浪费时间,正想回到勃拉西诺府去,突然他的脑子里闪过了一个念头。
He was suffering from gas disease, not suitable for living in the damp old palace, but he has been in the Sui Dynasty temple of the Palazzo Vecchio to live a long time. 他患有气疾,不适合居住在潮湿的旧宫殿,但他一直在隋朝的旧宫殿里住了很久。
His outstanding architectural works are the Villa Farnesina and the Palazzo Massimi in Rome. 著名的建筑作品有法内仙纳庄园和罗马的马西米宫。
If you have the money, you can rent an apartment in a17th-century palazzo with servants and pretend you are an aristocrat. 有钱的话,你可以在一栋17世纪的大宅邸中租一间有佣人的公寓,假装自己是贵族。
Palazzo in Italian Renaissance architecture 意大利文艺复兴时期的府邸建筑
Equestrian status of Marcus Aurelius in front of the Palazzo Senatorio. Rome, Lazio, Italy. 马库斯骑马的雕塑在宫殿前面,拉齐奥,意大利。
You are decidedly right, and we may reach the Palazzo by two o'clock. 你说得对极了,我们或许可以在两点钟到达公爵府。
Of the owner of the Palazzo where you're staying. 关于你现在所住那里的房子主人的下落。