Any of numerous pale-colored butterflies having three pairs of well-developed legs. 多种浅色的蝴蝶,有三对发育良好的腿。
He regularly encountered the ghostly figure of an old man in a pale-colored nightgown, who was prone to walking up and down the stairs of the chap's home, and with his head held under his arm! 他经常能看到一个穿着浅色睡衣的鬼影,那鬼影总在他家楼梯上上上下下来回走,胳膊下夹着自己的头!
Small pale-colored desert rattlesnake of southwestern United States; body moves in an S-shaped curve. 美国西南部沙漠中的苍白色的小响尾蛇;身体以S形曲线移动。