Cheap credit and government largesse are palliatives that at some point will be withdrawn. 廉价信贷与政府大量支出只是缓和手段,到一定时候将被撤消。
I have suggested palliatives for the change-pressed individual. 我为深受变化重压之苦的个人提供几剂良药。
Generals, history shows, have plied their troops with medicinal palliatives at least since George Washington ordered rum rations at Valley Forge. 历史上,至少从乔治。华盛顿在开拓谷命令定量供应甜酒开始,将军们就会为他们的士兵们提供药物姑息疗法。
Whoever is president will be more focused on short-term palliatives than big policy change. 而对奥巴马来说,最大的障碍将来自经济上而不是政治上。
Either Mr Obama can offer a convincing story of how he will extricate America from the spectre of prolonged economic stagnation – as opposed to the palliatives he is now proposing. 要么,奥巴马能讲出一个令人信服的故事如何使美国摆脱经济长期停滞的幽灵而不是像眼下提出的权宜之计。
We want long-term solutions, not short-term palliatives. 我们需要长期的解决方法,不是短期的缓解之计。