Clinical application of the reconstruction of flexor retinaculum by transposition of palmaris longus muscle tendon 掌长肌腱转位重建屈肌支持带的临床应用
Objective To observe the efficacy of the combination of Wanying capsules, externer washing of Traditional Chinese Medicines and UVN in the treatment of patients with pustulosis palmaris et plantaris. 目的观察万应胶囊、中药外洗方熏洗联合UVN照射治疗掌跖脓疱病的临床疗效。
Clinical Experiences of the One-stage Repair of Incised Wound in Palmaris with Microsurgery Technique 腕掌侧切割伤Ⅰ期显微外科修复手术治疗的临床体会
Effects of Chain Saw Dynamic and Static Characteristics on Fatigue of Arm Muscles(ⅲ) Effects of vibration on activity of palmaris longus muscle 油锯动静态特性对操作者手臂肌肉疲劳的综合效应(Ⅲ)&振动对掌长肌收缩的影响
Palmaris longus with aponeurosis palmaris transfer and palmar skin shortening to correct claw hand deformity 掌长肌掌腱膜转位及掌侧皮肤短缩矫正爪形手畸形
Neurovascular observation of palmaris longus and its clinical significance 掌长肌内神经血管的解剖学观察及其临床意义
Results There were four sources of blood supply to palmaris brevis musculocutaneous flap; 结果掌短肌皮瓣的血供有4个来源:即尺动脉干、掌浅支的肌皮支和皮支、掌深支和小指尺侧固有动脉的肌皮支。
Applied anatomy of the palmaris brevis musculocutaneous flap 掌短肌皮瓣的应用解剖学
Objective To study the treatment of the urinary incontinence due to sphincteric deficiency with free autogenous palmaris longus muscle transplantation in experimented rhesus monkey. 目的研究自体掌长肌游离移植治疗恒河猴括约肌无力性尿失禁的机制,为临床提供依据。
Immunological assay and its chinical value in patients with Pustulosis palmaris et plantaris 掌跖脓疱病患者免疫指标测定及其意义
Treatment and nursing care of patients with keratosis palmaris et plantaris 掌跖角化症的治疗及护理
Conclusion Restoring anatomical construction and biomechanical balance of the terminal band of the extensor apparatus by palmaris longus tendon graft is an effective surgical method to treat chronic mallet finger. 结论移植掌长肌腱腱片重建终腱是治疗陈旧性锤状指的有效方法。
Results: The blood supply of palmaris longus in above groups was originated mostly from ulnar recurrent artery and ulnar artery, 4 cases from brachial artery. 结果:掌长肌血供多为尺侧返动脉和尺动脉肌支,4侧出现肱动脉肌支。
The Study on Morphological Structure of Palmaris Brevis and Gripping Power 人掌短肌形态结构与握力的研究
A case of failed reduction of radial fracture entrapped by tendon palmaris longus 桡骨干骨折端被掌长肌腱卡压手法复位失败1例
Repair of pulp defect of thumb by free palmaris brevis musculocutaneous flap 吻合血管的掌短肌皮瓣修复拇指指腹缺损
Free autogenous palmaris longus muscle transplantation in rhesus monkey with urinary incontinence 自体掌长肌游离移植治疗括约肌无力性尿失禁的动物实验研究
Conclusions: According to the neurovascular distribution, palmaris longus can be divided into one proximal compartment and two distant compartments as independent functional units for segmental muscle transplantation. 结论:根据掌长肌肌内神经血管在肌内分布的不同情况,可将其分为一个近端和两个远端的3个功能单位,供节段性游离肌肉移植。
Phrenic nerve transfer to posterior part of the median nerve trunk at the middle and distal part of the arm ( containing anterior interosseous nerve, muscle branch to palmaris longus, proximal branches to flexor digitorum profundus). 在对其行经胸膈神经移位到上臂中下段正中神经后组神经束(含前骨间神经、掌长肌支、指深屈肌近侧支)的同时也行其它神经移位;
Lip and cheek reconstruction with composite radial forearm-palmaris longus tendon flap 前臂桡侧-掌长肌腱复合瓣在唇颊部缺损修复中的应用
A clinical study of itraconazole in the treatment of pustulosis palmaris et plantaris 伊曲康唑治疗掌跖脓疱病临床观察
Palmaris brevis is connected between palmar aponeurosis and palm ulnar dermis, divided into 3~ 4 slices by the loose connective tissue, mainly consisting of tiny red muscle fibers. The sarcomere of palmaris brevis is clear and the mitochondria is developed. 掌短肌连于掌腱膜与掌尺侧真皮之间,且被疏松结缔组织分隔成3~4片,以细小红肌纤维构成为主,肌节清楚,板状嵴线粒体较多。
Methods We observed 8 specimen hands by microscopic, and observed the branch of palmaris superficial vein in palm area, small thenar area, big thenar area and metacarpophalangeal area, and calculated its diameter. 方法8只新鲜成人手标本,用乳胶灌注后对手掌部浅静脉干在掌心区、大鱼际区、小鱼际区、腕掌区、掌指关节区的分支进行解剖学观察。
Objective To observe the effect on treatment of acromioclavicular joint dislocation by tendon palmaris longus for reconstructing costocoracoid ligament. 目的观察掌长肌腱在重建喙锁韧带治疗肩锁关节脱位中的应用疗效。
Treatment of ⅱ zone digital dorsal aponeurosis defect by palmaris longus tendon graft 掌长肌腱移植修复Ⅱ区指背腱膜缺损
Anatomical study and clinical meaning of palmaris longus with peritendon tissues 带腱周组织掌长肌腱的解剖学研究及临床意义
Objective To provide anatomical basis for free transplantion of palmaris longus ( PL) with peritendon tissues. 目的为带腱周组织掌长肌腱游离移植提供解剖学基础。
Surgical Management of Acute Limb Arteriae Embolization Sympathectomy was treated in 1 hyperhidrosis palmaris. 急性四肢动脉栓塞的外科治疗1例多汗症患者行两侧胸内交感神经切除。
On distal articular surface of trapezium bone, central area is higher than palmaris area and dorsal area, but lower than ulnaris area and radialis area. 大多角骨远端关节面中央部较掌侧部、背侧部凸起,但较尺侧部和桡侧部低。
The whole articular surface assumes asymmetrical distribution, and central axis from dorsal area to palmaris area is a curve projecting to the radialis, which makes it possible to first metacarpal bone move to palm-ulnar side, resulting in pronation of metacarpal bone. 整个关节面呈非对称分布,从背侧部到掌侧部的中心轴呈向凸向桡侧的弧形曲线,该解剖特点决定第一掌骨在腕掌关节屈曲时向掌尺侧移动导致掌骨旋前。