Stout perennial of eastern and central North America having palmate leaves and showy racemose blue flowers. 北美洲东部和中部的一种健壮的多年生植物,有掌状叶和艳丽的蓝色总状花序。
Results and Conclusion: The distribution and quality of wild Tangute rhubarb is better than Palmate sorrel rhubarb. 结果及结论:青海野生掌叶大黄的分布与质量不及唐古特大黄;
Moose: A hoofed mammal found in forests of northern North America and in Eurasia and having a broad, pendulous muzzle and large, palmate antlers in the male. 驼鹿:一种有蹄的哺乳动物,发现于北美洲北部和欧亚大陆的森林中,长有下垂的宽鼻口,雄鹿有大的掌状鹿角。
Leaves usually large relative to culm, in palmate arrangement, transverse veins distinct, margins with substantial necrosis in winter. 大的叶通常相对于秆,在掌状安排,离生的横向脉,边缘具结实坏死在冬天内内。
Widely distributed herbs having palmate leaves and creamy white to or pink to magenta flowers with many stamens of unequal length. 一个广布的草本属,叶掌状,乳白色或粉色至红紫色花,花具多数长度不等的雄蕊。
Germination branches and long branches wide, oval, palmate. 萌发枝和长枝叶宽,呈卵形,掌状。
Her split and stretch into a palmate leaves appears to be very open-minded and unrestrained. 她的成掌状分裂而舒展的叶片显得十分豁达而潇洒。
Small genus of perennial herbs having rhizomes and palmate leaves and small solitary flowers; of northeastern United States and Japan. 一个多年生草本植物小属,根茎,手掌状叶,小单生花;产于美国东北部及日本。
Tropical American shrub or small tree having huge deeply palmately cleft leaves and large oblong yellow fruit. palm having palmate or fan-shaped leaves. 美国热带灌木或小型树种,大型深裂缝手掌状树叶,大型椭圆形黄色果实。
Genus of showy plants of western North America having palmate leaves and variously colored racemose flowers. 北美西部一个美丽的植物属,手掌状叶,总状花序由多种颜色的花组成。
A plant of the genus Delphinium, especially any of several tall cultivated varieties having palmate leaves and long racemes of showy, variously colored spurred flowers. 飞燕草一种飞燕草属植物,特别是指那些具有掌状叶形,长而醒目的总状花序,色彩各异的短植花蕾的高大植物注意,注意力集中。
The extracts of Girardinia palmate ( Forssk.) with chloroform and ethyl acetate had high adjust mortality ratio, above 80%. 大蝎子草氯仿、乙酸乙酯提取物对柑桔全爪螨的校正死亡率均在80%以上。
Different from their allotriploid parent, the plants have white spine, and the shape of leaves in 02-17 and 02-39 was hastate and palmate, respectively. 02-17植株叶形为戟形,02-39为深陷的掌状形,并且果刺均为白色,不同于异源三倍体的掌状心脏形和黑刺,果形比异源三倍体黄瓜长而更接近普通黄瓜。