Localized pustular psoriasis: including the traditional sense of palmoplantar pustular psoriasis and palmoplantar pustulosis, pustular rash of bacteria, such as acrodermatitis continua. 局限型脓疱型牛皮癣:包括传统意义上的掌跖脓疱型牛皮癣和掌跖脓疱病、脓疱型细菌疹、连续型肢端皮炎等。
Conclusion Compound ammonium glycyrrhetate combined with thiamphenicol has obvious effects on palmoplantar pustulosis with few side-effects. 目的观察复方甘草酸单铵联合甲砜霉素治疗掌跖脓疱病的临床疗效。
The Curative Effect of Narrow-band UVB Combined with Halometasone Cream in Treatment on Palmoplantar Keratodermia Eczema 窄谱中波紫外线联合卤米松乳膏治疗掌跖角化性湿疹疗效观察
Therapeutic Efficacy on Palmoplantar Chronic Keratotic Eczema Treated with Abamectin 阿维A治疗掌跖部慢性角化性湿疹疗效观察
This type is relatively rare in clinical practice, always put it into generalized pustular psoriasis and two kinds of palmoplantar pustular psoriasis. 此类型在临床上比较少见,往常把它分为泛发型脓疱型牛皮癣及掌跖脓疱型牛皮癣两种。
It has been reported in patients with seronegative spondyloarthropathies as psoriatic arthropathy or its variant, palmoplantar pustulosis. 血清阴性的脊柱炎病人作为牛皮癣行关节病或掌趾脓疱病来报道。
A case of palmoplantar pustulosis caused by fixed denture of nichrome 镍铬合金固定义齿致掌跖脓疱病1例
Study on the increased serum leptin level in palmoplantar pustulosis 掌跖脓疱病患者血清瘦素高水平表达的研究
Towards characterization of palmoplantar keratoderma caused by gain-of-function mutation in loricrin: Analysis of a family and review of the literature 兜甲蛋白功能获得性突变引发的掌跖角化病的特征:家系分析和文献回顾
A case of epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma is reported. 报告1例表皮松解性掌跖角化病。
Objective To investigate the keratin 9 gene mutation in epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma ( EPPK) and its relationship with clinical manifestations. 目的探讨表皮松解性掌跖角化症家系的KRT9基因突变与临床表现的关系。
Treatment of Palmoplantar Pustulosis by Low-dose Acitretin 小剂量阿维A治疗掌跖脓疱病疗效观察
Focal palmoplantar keratoderma caused by an autosomal dominant inherited mutation in the desmoglein 1 gene 常染色体显性遗传性桥粒芯糖蛋白1基因突变引起的局限性掌跖角化病
Conclusions: MEL 308 nm therapy was effective in the treatment of psoriasis vulgaris and palmoplantar psoriasis, without obvious adverse effects. 结论:308nm单频准分子光局部照射治疗寻常性银屑病和掌跖银屑病见效快,疗程短,且不良反应少。
Analysis of clinical efficacy of phototherapy with MEL 308 nm in the treatment of psoriasis vulgaris and palmoplantar psoriasis 308nm单频准分子光治疗寻常性银屑病和掌跖银屑病临床疗效观察
Palmoplantar pustulosis is the most in localized abacterial pustulosis, 111 cases, constitute 78.7% in localized abacterial pustulosis. 在局限性无菌性脓疱病中掌跖脓疱病占第一位,111例,占局限性无菌性脓疱病的78.7%。
Mutation analysis of keratin 9 gene in a pedigree with epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma 一个表皮松解性掌跖角化病家系的KRT9基因突变分析
Screening and Analysis of Keratin 9 Gene ( KRT9) Mutation in 4 Chinese Families with Epidermolytic Palmoplantar Keratoderma 4个中国人表皮松解性掌跖角化症家系KRT9基因突变的研究
Hotspot of the mutations of keratin 9 gene in a diffuse palmoplantar keratoderma family 弥漫性掌跖角化病家系角蛋白9基因突变热点区的检测
Results The patient was a 3-year-old girl who presented increased skin fragility with trauma-induced, blisters and erosions, combined with short and sparse hair, finger-and toe-nail dystrophy and palmoplantar keratoderma. 结果先证者为3岁女孩,主要表现为皮肤脆性增加,受力部位易出现水疱及糜烂,并伴有头发短、稀,甲营养不良和掌跖角化等外胚层发育不良的表现。
Objective: To evaluate serum leptin concentrations in patients with palmoplantar pustulosis, and to investigate whether palmoplantar pustulosis correlates with leptin level. 目的:研究掌跖脓疱病的血清瘦素水平,探讨掌跖脓疱病与血清瘦素水平的相关性。
Association of human papillomavirus infection with palmoplantar epidermal cysts in Korean patients 韩国患者人乳头瘤病毒感染与掌跖表皮囊肿的关系
Objective To identify mutations of keratin 9 ( KRT9) gene in a big Chinese family with epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma ( EPPK) combined with knuckle pad like lesions and nail lesions. 目的明确一个伴随有类似关节指垫样病损和指甲病变的表皮松解性掌跖角化病的中国家系中角蛋白9(keratin9,KRT9)基因突变情况。