Spanish restorers are testing this new technique on the frescoes of Antonio Palomino from the17th century in the Church of Santos Juanes in Valencia. 西班牙的艺术品修复者们正打算在瓦伦西亚桑托斯横斯一座教堂里,由17世纪安东尼奥帕罗米诺所创作的壁画上试验这项新技术。
Shakespeare said sherry is the Spanish sunshine in the bottle, brewed by Palomino, the color is pale yellow, with light spicy. 酒评:它曾被莎士比亚比喻为装在瓶子里的西班牙阳光,采用巴罗米诺葡萄品种酿造,呈淡麦黄色,带有清淡的香辣味。
Inheritance of the Palomino Color in Icelandic Horses 冰岛马银鬃毛的遗传