The pylorus may be palpated as a thick ring of muscle. 可扪诊幽门如增厚的肌肉环。
The nurse palpated the patient's stomach; The runner felt her pulse. 护士触诊病人的胃;这位长跑运动员触诊她的脉搏。
We recommend using this method of measuring and quantifying LLD when there is no history of pelvic deformity and the iliac crests can be readily palpated. 当病人没有骨盆畸形的病史,同时肠骨棘可以很容易触摸到时,我们建议利用水平仪来测量长短脚,并利用纸张厚度校正法来加以定量。
Ribs visible on shorthaired cats; no palpable fat; severe abdominal tuck; lumbar vertebrae and pelvic bones easily palpated. 短毛猫可见肋骨。触摸无脂肪。腹部有明显的褶裥。能轻易的触摸到腰椎和骨盆骨胳。
The lacrimal gland can not be palpated any more and no one recurred. 结果术后患者的外观均得到了改善,泪腺不再触及,无一例复发。
In general terms, the ribs should be easily palpated and there should be an indentation in front of the pelvic wings ( waistline). 一般对体重控制的定义,是必须能轻易的触摸到肋骨,并且有腰身。
Supporting the patient's arm during the axillary examination allows the arm to be fully relaxed so that nodes deep within the axilla can be palpated. 腋下检查时,支撑病人手臂,使其充分放松,这样就可以摸到腋窝深处的淋巴结。
On the dorsum, the metacaral bones can be palpated. 在背侧,能摸到掌骨。
The carotid arteries should be palpated and auscultated for bruits. 必须触诊颈动脉搏动情况,和听诊颈动脉是否有血管杂音。
It cannot easily be palpated on physical examination. 体格检查中不易摸到。
Results Among 167 patients,① Breast cancer 43 cases, X-ray signs included round and irregular mass in 26 cases ( 60.46%), the mass in the radiological figure was smaller than that palpated clinically; 结果①43例乳腺癌的钼靶X线征象,圆形,不规则形肿块26例,占60.46%,X线测量肿块比值小于临床;
Conclusion MTC is difficult to diagnose before operation, but the following information can help to diagonse: ① swelling of cervical lymph node accompanied by refractory but noninflammatory diarrhea, no matter whether the mass of thyroid could be palpated or not; 结论MTC术前诊断困难,但有下列情况应考虑本病:不论甲状腺是否触及肿块,但有淋巴结肿大伴有顽固性非炎性腹泻者;
A large and firm liver could be easily palpated. 触诊易摸到大而质硬的肝脏。
Conclusion: Breast carcinoma without distinct mass or calcification by mammography but with clinical palpated mass should be carefully study and compared with the other breast. 结论:乳腺钼靶X线片未见明显肿块及钙化,而临床触及肿块或结节的病例,应结合B超及体检仔细分析X线片,并与对侧比较,能明显提高乳腺癌的诊断准确率。
Of the 42 patients with enlarged axillary nodes, the lymph nodes were decreased significantly or could not be palpated after chemotherapy in 30 patients. 术前可扪及腋窝肿大淋巴结42例,化疗后30例见淋巴结明显缩小或消失。
On physical examination, a 1.0 cm-sized smooth solid nodule on the head of left epididymis could be palpated without tenderness. 体检于左附睾头部可扪及1.0cm结节,表面光滑、质硬、无触痛。
Digital rectal examination ( knees to chest position): prostate was moderately enlarged, shallow median groove, surface uneven, a hard and nontender nodule could be palpated in the left lobe. 直肠指诊(胸膝位):前列腺中度肿大,前列腺中央沟浅,表面凹凸不平,左侧叶可触及一结节,质硬,无压痛。
The primary lesion was on the right side in 8 and on the left in 3.The presenting symptom was hematuria in 9 and an abdominal mass palpated in 2.Edema of the lower extremity and dilatation of the superficial vein of the abdominal wall were noted only in 1 patient. 右侧8例,左侧3例。临床症状:血尿9例,腹部肿物2例,仅1例出现下肢水肿、腹壁浅静脉扩张。