It was observed that the TSF intensity of the oils increases with aromatic concentration, and the oils from paludal facies have higher TSF intensity than that of the lacustrine oils. 原油的荧光强度随芳烃含量增加而增加,沼泽相高蜡油荧光强度总体高于湖相原油;
Hydrocarbon source rock formed in the calm and strong reductive environment, for example half-deep lake-deep facies, estuarine facies, shallow-sea fades and paludal facies etc. 烃源岩沉积于比较安静、还原性强的欠补偿的环境,如半深湖&深湖相、泻湖、沼泽相、浅海大陆架、堰塞小洋盆和毗邻大陆架的深海盆地等。
With laboratory test and a new microbial measurement method, this paper investigated sediments oxygen demand ( SOD) rate and kinetics of pollutants release from sediments of both paludal lake and polluted river under different disturbance conditions. 采用模拟试验方式和新型微生物数量测定方法,研究了沼泽化湖泊底泥和受污染河流底泥在不同扰动状态下,底泥耗氧速率、氮和磷污染物释放动力学过程。
Grain-size analysis and sedimentary structure observation show that different types of swamp deposit sections are characterized by pluvial-paludal deposit cycles, which includes a pluvial period and a paludal period. 粒度分析与沉积构造观察表明,华北平原不同类型沼泽沉积剖面都具有洪水沼泽沉积旋回特征,每一个旋回对应一个洪水期和一个沼泽期。
The Middle Jurassic consists of 1 sequence which includes mainly fluvial facies and paludal facies. 中侏罗统为一个层序,沉积相主体为河流、沼泽相,仅该层序顶部发育浅湖&半深湖相;