Deep Lithospheric Jointing Relationship between South Tienshan Orogen and West Kunlun ( Pamir) Orogen 环城北路中山西路口南天山造山带与西昆仑(帕米尔)造山带深层岩石圈对接
By extension, it is also the name of the massive mountain system which includes the Karakoram, the Hindu Kush, and a host of minor ranges extending from the Pamir Knot. 由引伸,它也是包括Karakoram、兴都库什和延长从帕米尔结的许多较小范围巨型的山系的名字。
As the communications centre between ancient China and the West, Pamir has its important strategic position. 作为古代中西交通要冲的帕米尔具有重要的战略地位。
However the largest alpine glaciers such as those found in karakorum, pamir, Tian Mountain and a few in Himalayas would continue to exist up to the22th century. 但喀喇昆仑山、帕米尔、天山以及喜马拉雅山等的那些大冰川将持续存在到22世纪。
For some reason they did not take ship, but instead turned northward through the Persian deserts, and so by way of Balkh over the Pamir to kashgar, and by way of Koran into the hwang-ho Valley and on to peking. 由于某种原因,他们结果没有乘船,而是向北穿过波斯沙漠,越过帕米尔高原上的巴尔喀来到卡什加,再经过哥坦进入黄河流域,最后到达北京。
Uighur people mainly concentrates on the oasis of Tarim basin, Tajik people concentrates on Pamir plateau, Xibe people lives by Ili river, Han people mainly distributes in cities and North xinjiang. 维吾尔族主要集中在塔里木盆地的绿洲,哈萨克族主要分布在准噶尔盆地四周的草原,塔吉克族聚居在帕米尔高原,锡伯族生活在伊犁河边,汉族则主要分布在城市和北疆。
A preliminary study on Tafoni developed on glacial granite boulders in Eastern Pamir 东帕米尔高原冰川花岗岩漂砾风化穴初步研究
The first quake, with a magnitude of6.1, hit Wednesday night at the junction of the Hindu Kush and Pamir mountain ranges. 本周三第一次地震,强度6.1级,发生于印度喀什与帕米尔山脉交接处。
They say it is the highest place in the world, Marco Polo wrote of climbing the Pamir mountains from the Afghanistan side. 他们说这里是世界最高之处,当马可波罗从阿富汗境内一侧爬上帕尔马山峰时如是写道。
The distribution of Astragalus subgenus pogonophace, along the Asian mountain chains namely Hengduan mountains, himalayas, Jammu and kashmir, Pamir alai, Hindukush and sulaiman, shows the floristic relationships of the East asia, West Asia and central asia. 簇毛黄耆亚属的种类主要沿亚洲的“山链”分布,即横断山,喜马拉雅,查谟和克什米尔,帕米尔-阿赖,兴都库什和苏莱曼山脉,表达了东亚、西亚和中亚的植物区系地理关系。
The Basement Effects of Land Use Change in Karst Mountainous Areas, Southwestern China: Current Performance and Future Trends Deep Lithospheric Jointing Relationship between South Tienshan Orogen and West Kunlun ( Pamir) Orogen 中国西南岩溶山区土地利用的基底效应研究南天山造山带与西昆仑(帕米尔)造山带深层岩石圈对接
In the near future, GERES plans to expand them to other parts of the Hindu Kush, as well as to Kyrgyzstan's central Pamir region. 在不久的将来,GERES还计划把这一项目扩展到兴都库什山的其它部分,如吉尔吉斯斯坦的中央帕米尔地区。
Music from the Pamir Mountains in Tajikistan. This region is even with no high hills. 有来自塔吉克斯坦帕米尔高原的音乐,这个地区是平坦的,没有高山峻岭。
The stratabound carbonate iron-copper-gold belt in the Eastern Pamir was formed in the Lower Taxidban group in a Mid Proterozoic rift. 东帕米尔“层控碳酸岩型”铁铜金矿,形成于中元古代裂谷构造环境,产于中深变质相与中浅变质相转换部位,塔昔达阪群底部。
The highway snakes through three mountain ranges: the Himalayas, Karakoram and Pamir. 公路蜿蜒经过三条山脉:喜马拉雅山、喀喇昆仑山与帕米尔高原。
Modified by the Tibetan and Pamir Plateau and the peripheral mountains, the inner China and the Tarim Basin experienced continuous aridification and desertification. 随高原和周边山地的隆升,中国内陆和塔里木盆地持续干旱化和沙漠化,沙漠逐步扩大至今天规模。
Preliminary study on deep seismic phase and hypocentral localization in Pamir region 帕米尔地区深震震相特征及震源定位的初步研究
Suggestions are put forward of the existence of three overlapping nappe structures in the piedmont of Pamir. 对玉立群背斜存在与否提出怀疑的意见,并对帕米尔前缘的的逆冲推覆构造样式进行了详细解剖,提出帕米尔山前存在3个相互叠覆推覆体的见解。
Propagation of Cenozoic arcuate structures in Northeast Pamir and northwest Tarim Basin 帕米尔东北缘及塔里木盆地西北部弧形构造的扩展特征
Collision structures in Pamir region and reformation of Tarim Basin 帕米尔地区碰撞构造与塔里木盆地的改造
Furthermore, taking into consideration the seismic activities and isostatic anomalies in the area, an analytical study of the plate motion on the Pamir and Central Asian region has been made. 结合帕米尔及其周围地区的地震活动和均衡异常,对这一地区的构造运动进行了初步探讨。
The Chinese Pamir new record is 2 G 9 Sp, Xinjiang new record is 6 species. 中国帕米尔新记录2属9种,其中新疆新记录6种。
Before, this fauna was only discovered in Utah and Kansas of the United States, Bucaramanga of Colombia, the southeastern part of Pamir and the Baoshan area of western Yunnan, China. 此前,该动物群仅发现于美国犹他州、堪萨斯州、哥伦比亚的布卡拉曼加、帕米尔东南部和中国滇西保山地区。
Phengite in the northern marginal ductile shear zone of East Pamir and Its Implications 东帕米尔北缘韧性剪切带中的多硅白云母及其地质意义
The Pamir issue results from the British and Russian invasion in China. 帕米尔问题是英俄帝国主义对中国侵略的结果。
The rocks and isotopic age of collisional structures in Pamir Plateau recorded the movement of Indian plate towards Asian plate, which passed through 3 stages of subduction, collision and squeezing. 帕米尔地区碰撞构造的岩石与同位素年龄,记录了印度板块对亚洲板块的运动,经历了俯冲、碰撞和榨挤3个阶段。
Recent Tectonic Stress Field and Seismicity of Northeast Pamir 帕米尔东北侧现代构造应力场与地震活动特征研究
Monitoring Present-day Tectonic Deformation by GPS in the Northeast Pamir, Xinjiang 新疆帕米尔东北侧地区现今地壳运动的GPS监测研究
He gem grade sphene was discovered in Pamir and west part of the Kunlun mountains. 新疆西南部帕米尔-西昆仑山区近年来新发现许多宝石新品种。
The conflict between Britain and Russia in Pamir and the Central Asia is an important part of the conflict between Britain and Russia in Asia. 英俄两国对中亚和帕米尔地区的争夺就是英俄双方争夺亚洲霸权的一个重要组成部分。