PREFIX (用于形容词和名词前构成新的形容词和名词)表示“全”,“泛” pan- is added to the beginning of adjectives and nouns to form other adjectives and nouns that describe something as being connected with all places or people of a particular kind.
Hon Hai officials emphasised Mr Gou would use his own money for the$ 200m film studio investment, whereas the petrochemical project was expected to be funded by the pan-Foxconn group. 鸿海集团管理人士强调,郭台铭将自掏腰包参加总投资2亿美元的影视城项目,但是石化项目的资金预计将来自泛富士康集团。
Studies on the Antistatic Modification of PAN by PAN-b-PEG Copolymerization and PAN/ ZnO-whisker Blend PAN-聚乙二醇嵌段共聚和PAN/氧化锌晶须共混对PAN抗静电改性的研究
Development of superior agricultural products in Pearl River Delta and regional agricultural corporation in Pan-Pearl River Delta 珠三角优势农产品发展与泛珠三角区域农业合作
The tensile failure mechanism of pan-graphite fiber PAN系石墨纤维的拉伸断裂机制
In this paper, polyacrylonitrile fiber ( PANF) blended with viscose ( VF) is used to produce needled nonwovens. The nonwovens was preoxidized, carbonized and activated to get PAN-ACF nonwoven fabrics. Its property was investigated. 用特种聚丙烯腈纤维(PANF)与粘胶纤维(VF)混纺制备针刺非织造布,经预氧化、炭化,活化制备聚丙烯腈基活性碳纤维非织造布的生产工艺、产品性能及应用。
Analysis of Tourism Resources in Pan-Xi Region 攀西地区旅游资源开发分析
New pan-Cassegrain telescope system 一个新的泛卡塞格林望远镜系统
It depends on changing the government's function and standardizing the government's behavior to put forward the regional cooperation of Pan-PRD finally. Therefore the cooperative law of the and executive body must be strengthened. 泛珠三角区域合作最终取决于转变政府职能和规范政府行为,由此必须加强泛珠三角合作法律和执行机构的建设。
The other is pan-moralism. 二是泛道德主义。
Method of Auto-Tuning Parameter for PID Controller Based on the Pan-Boolean Algebra 一种基于泛布尔代数的自整定PID及在纸页定量控制中的应用
The regional cooperation of the Pan-Pearl River Delta is very important signification for developing Chinese economy, however, local protection and administrative barriers have severely hindered the integration process of the Pan-Pearl River Delta. 泛珠三角区域合作对发展我国经济具有十分重要的意义,但是地方保护和行政壁垒严重阻碍了泛珠三角区域市场一体化的进程;
The Idea of Pan-communication 泛传播的观念&基于传播趋向分析的理论模型
Study On the Structure and Stability of Intercalated PAN-Based Carbon Fibers 插层PAN基碳纤维的结构表征与稳定性研究
Research on Polyacrylonitrile-Based Activated Carbon ( PAN-ACF) Nonwovens 聚丙烯腈基活性碳纤维非织造布的研制
On Turkey and Pan-Turkism 论土耳其与泛突厥主义
In comparison of the denitrifying bacterium immobilization of PAN-base high strength CF and activated CF, it was found that the former could immobilize more denitrifying microorganism because the former carrier had greater effective contacting area with microorganism, better transferring substance. PAN基高强度炭纤维比活性炭纤维能固着更多的反硝化微生物,这与高强度炭纤维载体与微生物的有效接触面积大、传质好及表面官能团有关。
It can be concluded that in view of improving distribution of the circulating current and the magnetic field the helical windings is superior to a pan-cake windings when a winding is wound in parallel with more than one tape. 研究表明,从减小环流和改善磁场分布考虑,圆筒式绕组较饼式绕组更适合需多根导线并绕的情况。
Closed loop vector equations of pantograph and pantograph-head were deduced, and the kinematic matrix equation of the pan-tograph was constituted. 推导出受电弓的闭环矢量方程和弓头的矢量方程,构成受电弓的运动矩阵方程。
Atomic absorption spectroscopic analysis of cu, Zn, Cd in natural water using pan-polyurethane foam for preconcentration 用PAN-聚氨酯泡沫富集天然水中铜、锌、镉的原子吸收分析
With the rise of "pan-culture research", the introduction of anthropology that concerns" other "culture to the study of literature, is undoubtedly of creativity and significance. 随着泛文化研究的兴起,具有他者文化关怀的人类学对文学研究的介入,无疑具有开创性的导向意义。
Forecasting of PAN-CF Market Demand PAN基炭纤维市场需求预测
Through the calculation of doping ratio ( P) and the measurement of conductivity for eigen polyaniline ( PAnEB), the effects of dosage and solution concentration of DBSA on doping efficiency of PAn-DBSA were investigated. 通过对本征态聚苯胺(PAnEB)掺杂率的计算和电导率的测定,研究了DBSA用量及其溶液浓度对掺杂效果的影响。
Study of the adsorptive performances of Pan-based active carbon fibers on methanol PAN基ACFs对甲醇吸附性能的研究
Three types of PAN-based and two types of rayon-based carbon fibers manufactured at home and abroad were analysed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy ( XPS). 用互光电子能谱仪分析了日本、美国、前苏联和我国上海、吉林厂家生产的三种PAN基、两种粘胶基碳纤维的表面结构。
The Pan-Totemic Methodology in the Study of Ancient History 古史研究中的泛图腾论
On the other, a social parse of market behavior should surmount the doctrine of unique importance of moralism or pan-moralism, market culture has many human values separated from the moral. 另一方面,对市场行为的社会分析要超越唯道德或泛道德主义,市场文化有许多独立于伦理道德的人文价值。
Take Chinese-language teaching as an example, humanities knowledge exists in two kinds of state: "tool theory" and "pan-humanities theory". 以语文教学为例,人文知识往往以工具论与泛人文论两种理念表现在教学之中。