The old adage "all panaceas become poison" applies to most new technologies, and it applies no less to Web Services. 古老的格言“所有的万能药都变成毒药”适用于大多数新技术,并且它对于Web服务同样适用。
Buddhism came to be one of the panaceas for seeking his ultimate goals. 佛教成为其寻觅人生终极目标的良丹妙药之一。
Abortion and divorce-those two contemporary panaceas for all matrimonial ills. 堕胎与离婚当代解除一切婚姻苦恼的两种灵丹妙药。
Are there no panaceas that would enable them to co-exist peacefully? 有没有让它们和平共处.办法?
Financial panaceas, like medical ones, should always come with a health warning. 与医学领域一样,金融领域的万灵丹也总是应该附上一份健康警示。
Do you believe the charlatans 'claim that the panaceas they sell can cure all diseases? 那些江湖郎中声称他们卖的万灵药能治百病,你相信他们吗?