In addition, merging the SPOT HRV image with a panchromatic image and applying the change vector analysis in this study also proved helpful for detection of greenness change. 应用两期影像之光谱向量变迁分析,可暸解植生绿度的变迁。
So, the panchromatic data of CBERS-02B is high resolution data with high quality and wide prospect of application. 因此,CBERS-02B的全色波段是一种较高质量的高分辨率数据,应用前景广阔。
Because of the use of QPSO, the fused image is more relative with the multi-spectral and panchromatic imagery. 由于采用了QPSO算法,使最后变换后的图像与多光谱图像和全色图像都有很强的相关性。
In this paper, we present a new remote sensing image fusion method based on IHST and Wavelet Packet Transform ( WPT) to fusion a multi-spectral image and a panchromatic image. 针对多光谱图像与金色图像的融合,提出了基于IHS变换和小波包变换的遥感图像融合新方法。
SPOT Panchromatic image and results are reported. 卫星全色的图像和结果报告。
Residual Error Hypercomplex Symplectic Decomposition Approach to Multispectral and Panchromatic Image Fusions 残差超复数偶对分解的多光谱和全色图像融合方法
The making technology of panchromatic holographic plate was supplied. 给出了制作全色全息干版的工艺。
A new false color mapping and wavelet integrated approach is presented, and is used to fuse the panchromatic image and spectral images. 给出了一种新的综合伪彩色映射技术和小波变换理论的图像融合方法,并将其应用于全色图像和光谱图像的融合中。
Correlation of SPOT panchromatic imagery with digitized aerial photographs was successfully tested. 本研究成功的测试了SPOT影像和数化空照像片的关联。
A New Adaptive Fusion Method of Multi-spectral Image and Panchromatic Image 一种自适应的多光谱图像与全光图像融合新方法
Hypercomplex principle component weighted approach to multispectral and panchromatic images fusions However, if a straight line is fitted for logarithmic spectrum data to give the particle temperature, it is better to minimize the temperature square error sum. 多光谱和全色图像融合适用的超复数主元加权方法如果将能谱实验数据的对数拟合成直线以求得粒子温度,则最好对温度误差的平方和极小化。
Fusion Method of Multi-Spectral Image and Panchromatic Image Based on Four Channels Non-Separable Additive Wavelets 基于四通道不可分加性小波的多光谱图像融合
Discussing the Fusion Technology on TM Multispectral Image and Panchromatic Portrait of SPOT 基于TM多光谱影像和SPOT全色影像的融合技术探讨
Extracting Road Networks from SPOT Panchromatic Images 从SPOT全色影像中提取道路网络的算法研究
The main objective of this research has been to generate ground control information for SPOT panchromatic imagery from digitized aerial photographs. 本研究的主要目标在由数化空照像片中产生SPOT全色影像的地面控制资讯。
Fusion Algorithm of Multispectral and Panchromatic Images Based on the Data Assimilation 基于数据同化的全色和多光谱遥感影像融合
Novel method for merging panchromatic and multi-spectral images based on sensor spectral response 基于传感器光谱特性的全色与多光谱图像融合
Study on Automatic Extraction of Airfield Target Based on Panchromatic Aerial Image 基于全色航空影像的机场目标自动提取研究
Panchromatic film ( Pan film): Photographic materials having an emulsion which is sensitive to all visible spectral colors. 全色菲林:能感应光谱上所有可见光的颜色的照相材料。
The multi-spectral and panchromatic image fusion is discussed. 探讨了遥感多光谱与全色波段图像的融合问题。
When illumination is necessary in handling the dyes, a safelight of the type used in coating panchromatic sensitized silver halide emulsions is employed. 因此在涂布染色增感的照像卤化银乳剂时可采用适于照射所处理染料的安全灯。
A panchromatic film [ plate] 全色性胶片[感光板]
The difference between remote sensing image spectral response is the main reason that causes distortions while merging multi-spectral and panchromatic images. 对于多光谱和全色波段遥感影像融合而言,影像间光谱响应范围的差异是造成融合结果光谱畸变的重要原因。
This paper applies 2-D DCT to the remote sensing image fusion between panchromatic and multi-spectral images. 本文将二维离散余弦变换(DCT)应用于多光谱图像与全色光学图像融合问题的研究中。
Currently available image fusion methods are not efficient for fusing different multi-spectral image and panchromatic image. 对于不同的多光谱图像与全色图像,目前一些融合算法难以同时得到较好的融合效果,针对这一问题提出了一种新的自适应图像融合方法。
Applies DCT to the remote sensing image fusion between the panchromatic image and the multi spectral image. 将DCT应用于遥感图像中全色光学图像和多光谱图像的融合上。
In addition, several common algorithms for the fusion of panchromatic images and multi-spectral images are studied. 此外,本文研究了几种常用的遥感图像融合算法,并用全色图像与多光谱图像的融合进行了实验仿真。
A feature level fusion method to the panchromatic images and multi-spectral images is presented. 并提出了一种针对多光谱图像和可见光图像的特征级融合方案。