Methods 231 cases were detected with routine CT scan for liver, gall bladder and pancrease. The entire extrahepatic bile duct can not be visualized in all cases. 方法肝外胆道梗阻性疾病231例,全部行肝胆胰CT常规扫描。
Aim: To research whether the fetal follicle could develope and the conditioned culture medium of fetal pancrease ( perhaps containing insulin like growth factor I, IGF I) could stimulate the morphological development. 目的:观察组织培养条件下胎儿卵巢能否发育以及胎儿胰腺条件培养液对其发育的影响。
The serum levels of soluble interleukin 2 receptor ( sIL 2R) and tumour necrosis factor ( TNF) before and after operation in 60 patients with pancrease cancer were determined with an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay ( ELISA). 采用双抗体夹心ELISA法检测了60例胰腺癌患者手术前后血清可溶性白细胞介素-2受体(SIL-2R)和肿瘤坏死困子(TNF)水平。
Methods: 27 fetal ovaries from the water cyst induced labor in the second and third trimester of pregnancy were cultured with and without condition culture medium of human fetal pancrease to observe the morphologic development. 方法:取16例20~28周和11例>28周中期妊娠水囊引产的胎儿卵巢,经直接培养及加胎儿胰腺条件培养液组织培养后,观察培养前后的组织学变化。
Effect of LMH on Pancrease Islet Cell and Blood Sugar Levels in Brain Injuries Rats LMH对脑损伤后大鼠胰岛细胞及血糖含量的影响
33 benign stromal tumors from muscularis propria, 18 malignent stromal tumors, 2 lipoma and 2 etopic pancrease, 1 carcinoid were resected surgically. 33例源于固有肌层的良性间质瘤、18例恶性间质瘤、2例脂肪瘤、2例异位胰腺及1例类癌经手术切除。
Segmental pancreatectomy in the treatment of pancrease disease 节段性胰腺切除术治疗胰腺疾病
The characterized changes of this model were mark edema of the pancrease, histologic changes ( including interstitial edema, acinar cytoplasmic vacuoles and inflammatory cell infiltration) and rising in serum amylase. 该模型以胰腺的显著水肿,组织学改变(包括腺泡细胞胞质内空泡形成,间质水肿及白细胞浸润)以及血清淀粉酶水平升高为特征。
The average yield and activity of elastase were 7.03 g/ kg pancrease and 30.69 u/ mg, respectively. 每公斤猪胰脏可得比活为30.69u/mg的弹性酶7.03g。
Pancreas duodenum homeobox-1 ( pdx-1) gene plays key roles in the development of pancrease and differentiation of pancreatic-cells in embryogenesis. 胰腺十二指肠同源盒-1基因(pdx-1)是调节胰腺发育和胰岛β细胞分化的关键基因,也是维持正常胰岛β细胞生理功能不可缺少的基因。
The fetal pancrease was resected, digested with Collagenase V and purified with Ficoll solution. 切取胚胎胰腺,胶原酶V消化,纯化。
The results showed that the sIL 2R and TNF levels of patients with pancrease cancer were much higher than those of normal controls ( p < 0.01), and the serum sIL 2R and TNF levels of the patients with pancreas cancer were intimately associated with clinical stages. 结果表明胰腺癌患者血清SIL-2R和TNF水平均明显高于正常人(P<0.01),且与胰腺癌临床分期有明显相关性。
Successful rescue of pure red cell aplasia in two aged patients with undergoing pancrease kindey transplantation 成功抢救2例高龄胰肾联合移植患者严重PRCA并发症
And 6 accompanied with intestinal malrotation, 2 circular pancrease and 1 anal atresia. 伴肠旋转不良者6例,环状胰腺2例,肛门闭锁1例。