Aim To explore the feasibility and safety of distal pancreatectomy with spleen and the splenic vessels preservation for the tumor and injury of body and tail of the pancreas. 目的探讨胰体尾肿瘤和胰体尾损伤行保留脾脏和脾血管的胰体尾切除手术的可行性与安全性。
Analysis of Major Complications for Distal Pancreatectomy 胰体尾切除术主要并发症的相关因素分析
Middle Segment Pancreatectomy for the Benign Tumors of the Neck and Body of the Pancreas ( Report of 12 Cases) 中段胰腺切除术治疗胰腺颈体部良性肿瘤(附12例报告)
Analysis of short-term therapeutic efficacy of resection of body and tail of pancreas and spleen by two approaches Retrospective Analysis of Resection of Advanced Gastric Carcinoma Combined with Splenectomy Distal Pancreatectomy and Splenic Artery Resection 不同入路的胰体尾脾脏切除术近期疗效分析进展期胃癌联合脾,胰体尾及脾动脉切除的回顾性研究
Experience of Laparoscopic Distal Pancreatectomy and Transgastric Drainage of Pancreatic Pseudocyst 腹腔镜胰体尾切除及胰腺假性囊肿内引流手术体会
The impact of ligation of the pancreatic duct or partial pancreatectomy on islets regeneration 胰腺部分切除或胰管结扎对胰岛再生的影响
Application of combining resection of the celiac axis in extended distal pancreatectomy for pancreatic body-tail carcinoma 联合腹腔干切除在胰体尾癌扩大根治术中的应用
Approach of total laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy with preservation of the spleen 完全腹腔镜下保留脾脏的胰体尾切除术的探讨
The Research on the Application of Middle Segmental Pancreatectomy in Pancreatic Surgery 中段胰腺切除术在胰腺外科中应用的研究
Retrospective Analysis of Resection of Advanced Gastric Carcinoma Combined with Splenectomy Distal Pancreatectomy and Splenic Artery Resection 进展期胃癌联合脾,胰体尾及脾动脉切除的回顾性研究
Also, few centers perform pancreatectomy for nonmalignant disease because of problems with fragile diabetes, especially in alcoholics. 并且,由于会导致糖尿病,很少中心会对非恶性疾病进行胰腺切除术,特别是对于酗酒者。
The researchers wanted to investigate the presumed high perioperative risk of pancreatectomy, which has limited its use as a treatment. 研究者想要研究胰脏切除手术前后的高风险,这也是限制这项手术用途主要原因;
The Practice and Study of Regional Pancreatectomy in the Treatment for Cancer of the Pancreatic Head 区域性胰腺切除治疗胰头癌的临床实践和探索
Objective To determine the clinical value of medial pancreatectomy. 目的探讨中段胰腺切除术的临床应用价值。
Application of pedicled seromuscular jejunum flap for improving pancreatectomy and closure of pancreatic stump 带血管蒂空肠浆肌瓣对胰腺切除和缝合的改进
Objective To explore a method to reduce the occurrence of pancreatic leakage after total gastrectomy combined with distal pancreatectomy. 目的探讨一种降低全胃切除联合远端胰腺切除术后胰漏发生的术式。
Methods We did a retrospective study on the management of 7 cases of pancreatic cancer using regional pancreatectomy ( RP) and pancreaticoduodenectomy combined resection of superior mesenteric-portal vein ( SMPV) in recent years. 方法对近年来所施行的区域性胰腺切除术、标准胰十二指肠切除术联合肠系膜上静脉切除治疗的7例胰腺癌作一回顾性分析。
Early complications and treatment after regional pancreatectomy for periampullary carcinoma 壶腹周围癌区域性胰腺切除术后近期并发症及处理
Fourteen patients were subjected to resection of the tail of pancreas and splenectomy; 3 had subtotal pancreatectomy; 1 total pancreatectomy, 2 enterectomy; 此外,其中14例进行了胰尾及脾切除,3例次全胰切除,1例全胰切除,2例肠切除,1例部分肝切除,27例胆囊造瘘。
Conclusion Safe and feasible, spleen-preserving distal pancreatectomy with conservation of the splenic arteries and veins is one of the best choices for treatment of benign and borderline tumors of pancreas. 结论保留脾脏和脾血管的胰腺远端切除是安全可行的,对于胰腺良性与交界性肿瘤的切除是最佳的选择。
The complication rate after enucleation was 33%, and 14% after pancreatectomy. 肿瘤摘除术后并发症发生率为33%,主要为胰瘘;胰腺切除术后并发症发生率为14%。
By partial pancreatectomy with 2 pancreatic leakage postoperatively. 胰腺部分和囊肿切除6例,并发胰瘘2例。
Objective To explore the etiology, mechanism and treatment of postoperative gastroparesis syndrome after regional pancreatectomy for periampullary carcinoma. 目的探讨壶腹周围癌区域性胰腺切除(regionalpancreatectomy,RP)术后胃瘫(postopertivegastroparesissyndrome,PGS)的病因、发生机制及治疗方法。
Enucleation was conducted in 14 cases and distal pancreatectomy was performed in 8 cases. 22例中行肿瘤摘除术14例,胰体尾切除术8例。
Results The 11 cases presented with gastric varices, splenomegaly, and pancreatic disease, but liver was normal. All cases underwent surgery, including splenectomy in 9 cases, splenectomy and distal pancreatectomy in 1 case, and other operation in 1 case. 结果11例表现为胃底静脉曲张、脾肿大和合并胰腺疾病,但肝脏正常行单纯脾切除术9例,脾切除加胰体尾切除术1例,其它手术1例。
The rate of pancreatic fistula is high after the conservative resection compared with pancreatoduodenectomy and distal pancreatectomy, but it is safe for patients through the successful drainage. 虽然保守性切除,特别是剜除术后胰瘘的发生率较胰十二指肠切除术、胰体尾切除术高,但是经过通常引流,患者能得到良好的恢复。
Spleen ‐ preserving distal pancreatectomy is one safe and feasible treatment of benign and borderline tumors of pancreas. 对于胰腺良性与交界性肿瘤患者实行保留脾脏的胰体尾切除术用是安全可行的。
Conservative resection including partial pancreatectomy, local pancreatic resection and pancreatic tumor enucleation has been used in operations of benign and low-grade malignant pancreatic tumor. 包括胰腺中段切除、局部切除、肿瘤剜除在内的保守性胰腺切除在胰腺的良性和低度恶性肿瘤中已得到一定应用。