Surgical Technique of Allogeneic Whole Pancreaticoduodenal Transplantation Model in Rats 异基因大鼠胰十二指肠移植模型建立的手术技巧
Protective effects of nuclear factor-κ B inhibitors on ischemia/ reperfusion injury in rat pancreaticoduodenal transplantation 核因子-κB抑制剂对大鼠胰十二指肠移植后缺血-再灌注损伤的保护作用
Diagnosis and treatment of pancreaticoduodenal combined trauma 胰腺十二指肠联合损伤的诊断和治疗
Results More tumor stains, blood supply arteries and artery invasions were seen by superior pancreaticoduodenal artery DSA than those by celiac axis or by inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery. 结果经胰十二脂肠上动脉造影显示肿瘤染色、肿瘤供血动脉及血管受侵率高于经腹腔干或胰十二指肠下动脉造影。
Results Celiac axis branches included common hepatic artery, splenic artery, left gastric artery which had many variation and collateral flow between celiac and mesenteric vessels by gastroduodenal artery and pancreaticoduodenal artery. 结果腹腔干分为肝总动脉、脾动脉及胃左动脉3支,腹腔干分支的变异较多而且与肠系膜上动脉之间通过胃十二指肠动脉和胰十二指肠动脉形成广泛的侧支吻合。
The model of pancreaticoduodenal allotransplantation was established. 建立了一种猪全胰十二指肠移植动物模型。
A successful model for pancreaticoduodenal allotransplantation with enteric drainage in pigs was reported. 报告一种成功的猪全胰十二指肠移植模型。
Objective To investigate the histopathologic characteristics of acute rejection following porcine pancreaticoduodenal allografts and to assess the pathologic changes correlation between pancreas and duodenum. 目的研究猪胰腺十二指肠移植术后胰腺和十二指肠粘膜急性排斥反应的病理变化特点及它们之间的关系。
The variations of origin of the posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal artery was greater than that of the anterior pancreaticoduodenal artery. 其中胰十二指肠上后动脉的起源较胰十二指肠上前动脉变异大些。
High Flux and Its Value of Pancreaticoduodenal Arcade in Interventional Therapy of Hepatic Carcinoma 胰弓高流量灌注及其在肝癌介入治疗中的意义
70 cases of pancreaticoduodenal transplantation in rats were done. Blood and urine glucose levels were observed after operation. 行大鼠PTA70例,术后观察大鼠血、尿糖变化,移植物组织病理学改变,血运情况等。
Conclusion The model of the whole pancreaticoduodenal transplantation with portal venous drainage and enteric drainage is stable and reliable. 结论猪全胰十二指肠移植门静脉回流、空肠内引流术式大动物模型稳定、可靠。
The superior 2/ 3 of the head of the pancreas was drained into the portal vein via the posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal vein and into the superior mesenteric vein via the anterior superior pancreaticoduodenal vein and the trunk of the gastrocolic vein. 胰头上2/3部血液通过胰十二指肠上后静脉注入肝门静脉,通过胰十二指肠上前静脉经胃结肠静脉干回流到肠系膜上静脉。
The inferior 1/ 3 part of the head of the pancreas was drained into the superior mesenteric vein via the anterior and posterior inferior pancreaticoduodenal veins. 胰头下1/3血液通过胰十二指肠下前、后静脉回流到肠系膜上静脉。
Of the 22 cases with unresectable pancreatic cancer, 8 cases received catheterization chemotherapy with perfusion into the regional pancreatic arteries via the gastroduodenal artery with ligation of the right gastroepiploic artery and the inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery; [方法]22例不可切除胰腺癌患者采用胰腺局部动脉插管区域灌注化疗,经胃十二指肠动脉插管并结扎胃网膜右动脉和胰十二指肠下动脉8例;
The experimental study of pancreaticoduodenal transplantation in rats 大鼠全胰十二指肠移植术实验研究观察
Conclusion The results indicated that whole pancreaticoduodenal transplantation could cure experimental diabetes mellitus. 结论:大鼠全胰十二指肠移植能有效地治疗实验性糖尿病。
En bloc kidney and whole pancreaticoduodenal transplantation with enteric drainage in rat 大鼠全胰十二指肠肾脏整块联合移植
The transverse venous arch was composed of the middle anterior pancreaticoduodenal vein and anterior superior pancreaticoduodenal vein. 胰十二指肠中前静脉与胰十二指肠上前静脉合成横静脉弓。
Pancreaticoduodenal transplantation with portal venous drainage and enteric drainage: a rat model 大鼠门脉回流、内引流胰十二指肠移植动物模型的建立
Conclusions: Posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal artery plays an important role in blood supply of pancreas and duodenum. Protecting effectively this artery will ensure the success of pancreatoduodenectomy. 结论:胰十二指肠后上动脉在胰头与十二指肠血供中占据十分重要的位置,在术中保护好该动脉是手术成功与否的重要一环。
Objective To investigate the causes of formation, DSA manifestation, and value of high flux of pancreaticoduodenal arcade in interventional therapy of hepatic carcinoma. 目的探讨胰弓高流量灌注形成的原因、DSA表现及其在肝癌介入治疗中的意义。
Objective To establish a pig model of pancreaticoduodenal transplantation with jejunum drainage and portal venous drainage. 目的建立猪的全胰十二指肠移植空肠内引流,门静脉回流模型。
Methods Sixty cases of cervical segmental pancreas transplantation and 60 cases of abdominal pancreaticoduodenal transplantation were performed, and vessels anastomoses were all performed with micro-surgical techniques. 方法施行颈部胰段移植60次和腹部胰十二指肠移植模型60次,均采用显微外科缝合法进行动、静脉吻合。
The papilla artery arising from the posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal artery goes to Vater ampulla. Vater壶腹血运主要是由胰十二指肠上后动脉发出的乳头动脉供应。
Results Twenty piges were subjected to pancreaticoduodenal transplantation, in which 1 died from respiratory depression because of anesthesia, and 2 had thrombus and infarction in the pancreatic graft after transplantation. 结果本实验完成全胰十二指肠移植20例,胰腺移植手术中因麻醉过深呼吸抑制死亡1例,2例手术后移植胰腺形成血栓、梗死。
Objective To investigate the choice of surgical therapy for the pancreaticoduodenal region invaded by or involved in stomach carcinoma. 目的探讨胃癌侵犯或累及胰十二指肠区域的手术治疗选择。
We have performed combined kidney and pancreaticoduodenal transplantation for 3 patients of end-stage type I diabetes. 作者报告了3例糖尿病并发尿毒症患者行胰、十二指肠及肾一期联合移植的经验。