While Dimon spoke about hiring and training the younger generation, his fellow panelist, Coca-Cola CEO Muhtar Kent, spoke of the challenges in marketing to them. 戴蒙谈到雇用和培养年轻一代的话题时,另一位讲话嘉宾&可口可乐公司(Coca-Cola)首席执行官穆泰康谈到了向年轻一代营销产品所面临的挑战。
It was widely reported Thursday that Spears and X Factor were parting ways after a season in which the show's ratings fell and Spears received lackluster reviews as a panelist. 据上周四的报道称,节目收视率下降和布兰妮呆板的表现是她和《X音素》分道扬镳的主要原因。
( The writer is Director of the Division of Chinese Language and Culture and Director of the Center for Chinese Language and Culture in NTU. He is also a Chinese press resource panelist.) (作者是南大中文系系主任兼中华语言文化中心主任,华文报咨询团成员)
But our panelist PZ says, I had two good ones. 但是我们的专门小组成员PZ说,我有两好的。
For instance, to keep up to date with psychological literature, each panelist has developed a unique and deliberate method. 例如,对于如何保持与心理学文献同步,每个辩论者都已发展出独特的深思熟虑的方法。
Now it's your time to ask questions on any or all of the panelist. 现在大家可以问问题了,可以问所有的嘉宾。
To participate, just register and then add your comments through the Comment tab at the top of the panelist's article. 要想参与,只需要注册登录并将你的评论通过点击这些文章顶端的“发表评论”键就可以了。
His novel concept is considered by the panelist a breakthrough in current scientific paradigms and could possible have significant contribution to global health. 评审认为陈教授的计划非常创新,突破现时科学研究的框架,大有可能为全球健康带来重大贡献。
In an apparent change of heart, CBS anchorman Dan Rather yesterday turned down an invitation to be a panelist in tomorrow's second presidential debate, saying he preferred "to report on the process than to participate in it." 哥伦比亚广播公司主播丹拉瑟显然改变了初衷,昨天拒绝应邀参加明天第二次总统辩论讨论会。他说他宁愿“报导辩论的过程而不愿参加讨论。”
To do so, the only solution is to enforce ocean education work. ( The writer is Senior Fellow of the National Institute of Education and a SPH Chinese newspapers resource panelist.) 而增强海洋教育科研力量的根本出路则是加强海洋教育工作。(作者是南洋理工大学国立教育学院高级院士、华文报咨询团成员。)
In such event, the provider shall have the discretion to appoint a substitute panelist. 在这样的情况下,服务提供方因该有权决定指派替代的陪审员。
He is a highly sought-after speaker and panelist on social and economic issues in ethiopia. 在衣索比亚,他是当红的社经演讲者和政论者。
Panelist means an individual appointed by a Provider to be a member of a Panel. 专家指由争议解决机构指定的作为专家组成员的专家。
In appointing a Panelist, the Center shall, subject to availability, respect the order of preference indicated by a Party. 该经办人将对与所涉争议及行政专家组联络有关的所有行政事件负责。
As a co-speaker, panelist, or someone whose work they can showcase? 万一他们能够展示出一位联合演讲者,一个专家小组成员的工作呢?
I had a friend email him and tell him what a great panelist I was. 我请一个朋友向他写邮件说我是多么好的一个演讲者。
And a technical note from our panelist Bob: One other thing on the730ES: the front panel MPX switch. 以及来自我们的专门小组成员鲍勃的技术说明:在730ES上的另外一件事情:面板MPX开关。
( The writer is Senior Fellow of the National Institute of Education and a SPH Chinese newspapers resource panelist.) (作者是南洋理工大学国立教育学院高级院士、华文报咨询团成员。)
One such discussion became so heated that a panelist wound up telling a combative audience member to "shut up" before asking them to leave. 其中的一场讨论如此激烈,以致于一位专题组组员发作起来,叫一名激进的与会者“闭嘴”并要求他离开。
Another panelist from an academic setting, who does exhaustiveconsulting for industry, was said to reflect the middle spectrum on the issue of concern. 另一个小组成员有学院派的背景,在行业内是一个彻底的顾问,据说在光谱中反映出关键的结果。