She panics when people pop in unexpectedly, rushing round plumping cushions. 一群人冷不防地冒出来,跑来跑去地拍松垫子,这把她吓坏了。
But policy and market panics are made in response to how things appear, not how things actually are. 但制定政策的依据以及市场陷入恐慌的原因就是表面情况如何,而不是它实际表现如何。
A: If you look at the record of governments and financial crises over the last century, not to mention the last two or three centuries, it's a graveyard of mistakes and devastating outcomes, of great depressions following panics. 姑且不提上两个世纪或三个世纪,仅仅回顾上个世纪的政府记录和金融危机,你就会发现错误和灾难性后果比比皆是,恐慌引发的大萧条数不胜数。
To a remarkable extent we have got into the current economic and financial crisis because of a wrong economic theory an economic theory that itself denied the role of the animal spirits in getting us into manias and panics. 我们之所以陷入当前的经济和金融危机,在相当大程度上是因为一个错误的经济理论:一个本身就否认了动物精神在将我们送入狂热和恐慌中所起作用的经济理论。
Moral panics serve to express the desired social order: brave policemen good, independent young people bad. 道德恐慌起到的作用是表述理想的社会秩序:勇敢的警察是好人,独立的年轻人是坏人。
But if his doctrine was so effective as a remedy for crisis, why did the panics and collapses of the great depression occur? 但如果他的学说对于补救危机如此有效,那么为什么在大萧条时期还出现了恐慌和崩溃呢?
This way the market will easily give into panics, and more seriously, the market collapses. 这样一来,市场很容易出现恐慌,严重的还会崩盘。
This would be a recipe for still-greater panics. 这种承诺还将导致更大规模的恐慌。
It is unrealistic to expect that market crashes, manias, panics, collapses, and fraud will ever be completely eliminated from our capital markets. 预期市场崩盘、狂热、恐慌、崩溃和欺诈将从我们的资本市场完全消失是不现实的。
The Joker: You see, nobody panics when things go according to plan. TheJoker:你看,没人恐慌,只要事情照计划发生。
Stock market panics in 1987, or 1998, or 2000-01, were treated with the infusion of liquidity. 1987年、1998年和2000-01年的股市恐慌,都是靠注入流动性来平息的。
Everybody panics before they get married. I mean, didn't you? 每个人在结婚前都有些心神不定,你是不是这样?
Slowdowns are considered more "fundamental" than panics over Greece, say, or tensions on the Korean Peninsula. 与对希腊债务危机的恐慌、或是朝鲜半岛的紧张局势相比,经济增长放缓被视为一个更为“根本”的问题。
Meanwhile the moral panics that Stan always hoped would erupt-over genocides, or torture-never do. 与此同时,科恩一直希望出现的针对种族灭绝或酷刑的真正的道德恐慌却从未出现。
Given the tendency of market participants to follow each other in blind panics of excitement or depression, it is important that the rules that define capital requirements and accounting disclosures should hinder such lemming-like behaviour. 考虑到在兴奋或沮丧的恐慌之中,市场参与者倾向于盲目从众,因此重要的是,明确资本要求和会计披露的规则应该阻止这种像旅鼠一样的行为。
Government guarantees and Federal Reserve banking regulations to prevent such panics were ineffective or not used. 政府保障和联邦储备银行条例,以防止这种恐慌是无效的或不使用。
And if we had not had serious bank panics then maybe there would never have been a Great Depression. 如果没有如此严重的银行恐慌,也许根本就没有经济大萧条本身。
And, despite my panics, your service was second-to-none, even with such a tight time-scale! 而尽管我恐慌,二是你服务到票,即使如此紧凑的时间尺度!
He panics, but Will convinces him to continue pretending to be Will's daemon. 他恐慌,但会说服他继续假装会的服务。
Hardly anybody now remembers MODS and rockers, but Stan prefigured all moral panics of the last 40 years. 摩登派和摇滚派如今已被淡忘,但过去40年内所有的道德恐慌都没有超出科恩设想的模式。
If your horse is suddenly startled, you will be able to react quickly to get him under control before he panics and bolts. 如果您的一匹马突然吓了一跳,你将能够迅速反应,让他受到控制之前,他恐慌和螺栓。
During the last quarter of the19th century and the beginning of the20th century the United States economy went through a series of financial panics. 在最后一个季度的19世纪和20世纪初美国经济经历了一系列的金融恐慌。
Jackson's actions helped precipitate the sharp business panics that occurred in1834and1837. 杰克逊的做法加速了1834年和1837年发生的经济恐慌。
A friend of mine panics each time when he goes into a crowded place. 我有一个朋友,一到人多的地方就开始恐慌。
This was in response to "financial panics" and bank insolvencies. 这个随后导致了经济恐慌和银行的无力偿还而拨产。
Nobody panics when things go according to plan, even if the plans are horrifying. 你看,没人恐慌,只要事情照计划发生。即便那个计划很,恐怖。
Consider how different the current crisis is from the panics of the1990s.The U.S. 把当前的危机和上世纪90年代的恐慌相比较我们就能发现二者的不同。
There was a nasty downside: unexpected withdrawals by country banks triggered panics. 这种行为有一个凶险之处:假如乡村银行骤然取走款项,就可能引发恐慌情绪。
Don't worry! She panics when she sees a cockroach. 别担心!她看到蟑螂会惊慌。
One is the risk of self-fulfilling panics in bond markets, with the crippling effect on both the public and the private sector that we see in affected countries. 首先是债市出现自我实现的恐慌的风险,这对公共和私营部门都会造成严重影响,我们在一些受影响的国家已看到这种影响。