
美 [ˈpɑnuz]

n.  血管翳,角膜翳,关节翳



  1. Pannus is a form of superficial keratitis, or inflammation of the cornea, found most commonly in German Shepherd Dogs, Greyhounds, and Siberian Huskies.
  2. The warming and activating effect of moxibustion therapy may involve the inhibition of the formation of ICAM-1 and pannus.
  3. Analysis of the location of intraoperative corneal pannus hemorrhage during LASIK in 48 cases
  4. Synovitis, the hyperplasia of synovium, pannus formation and the destruction of cartilage and bone are the main pathohistological properties of RA.
  5. Results No pathological change was noticed in the control group. Among the 96 cases of SpA, pathological changes were found in 76 cases, including bone marrow inflammation, pannus formation, subchondral bony plate destruction, cartilage degeneration/ erosion, synovitis, and enthesitis.
  6. The prominent pathologies of RA are observed: synovial infiltration of multiple inflammatory cells mainly composing of T lymphocyte, synovial lining cells proliferation, angiogenesis and pannus formation.
  7. Histopathologic features of RA encompass infiltration by macrophages and T cells synovial lining hyperplasia, neoangiogenesis, pannus formation and destruction of cartilage and bone.
  8. Power Doppler sonography in assessment of synovial pannus of rheumatoid knee after~ ( 32) P radiation synovectomy
  9. Which is different from RA. Conclusion The expression of VEGF is relative to the synovial pannus formation in RA.
  10. In the CT ⅱ and ⅲ degree sacroiliitis, marked degeneration and fibrosis of cartilage, inflammatory cell infiltration, pannus formation and subchondral bony plate destruction were increasingly prominent.
  11. The diagnosis was ichthyosis in histopathological examination, congenital nerve deaf-mutism in otolaryngology and corneal pannus in ophthalmology.
  12. BACKGROUND: Pathological change of synovium in rheumatoid arthritis RA has the characteristic of tumor-like growth, it appears thickening of the synovium tissue and the formation of pannus, which generate periarticular erosion and destruction.
  13. The main changes including synovial hyperplasia, pannus formation, joint effusion, articular cartilage destruction, bone erosions, meniscus and ligament lesions, popliteal cysts and subcutaneous nodules formation were depicted clearly by MR imaging.
  14. Results: Valves were found perforation and insuffientia in all patients and pannus in17 patients.
  15. With MRI, bone erosions were observed in 20 patients, polyarticular synovial hyperplasia, joint effusion, and periarticular inflammation tissue was seen in all 30 patients, pannus was showed in 23 patients. Abnormalities of tendons and ligaments were also diagnosed in 7 patients on MRI.
  16. The pathogenesis of RA is still unclear. However, a large number of studies have demonstrated that activation of many kinds of immunocytes, formation of pannus, participation of cytokine and mediators of inflammation play important roles in RA.
  17. It is generally accepted that synovitis is the basic pathogenetic lesion of RA in which there are extensive synovial cell proliferation, pannus formation and presence of a series of increased amounts of cytokines and inflammation mediators like prostaglandin E2 ( PGE2).
  18. Under the cover of the pannus cartilage surface can be seen clearly the organization of the cartilage surface degeneration and necrosis.
  19. The Fundamental pathological change is the joint synovial chronic inflammation leading to formation of pannus, which destroys cartilage, bone and surrounding tissues.
  20. The manifestations are peripheral joint persistent synovial inflammation, synovial organization hyperplasia, inflammatory cells invasion, pannus formation, thereby cause the cartilage and bone destruction, cause joint deformities and loss of function, eventually lead to different degree of disability.
  21. Corneal neovascularization may play a part in the corneal wound healing, but a chronic corneal neovascularization can result in vascular pannus, and damage of corneal microenvironment and corneal immune privilege.
  22. The pathological characteristic of RA includes synovial hyperplasia and inflammation, pannus formation, in the end bone erosion, cartilage loss and joint destruction. If left untreated, it would lead to joint damage and disability.
  23. After two months of implantation, a pannus developed slowly from the textile suturing ring on both sides with a fragile layer of endothelial like-cells on the fibrosa side that extended slowly.
  24. Sacroiliitis probably initiated with bone marrow inflammation, followed by pannus formation, subchondral bony plate destruction, and cartilage degeneration/ erosion, eventually leading to fibrosis, ossification and joint fusion.