He was attended, as are all heads of state, by a full panoply of experts. 和所有国家元首一样,他身边跟随着各个领域的专家。
Microsoft Corp. is so eager to have a panoply of applications for the next version of itswindows operating system that it has lined up design firms, recruited interns and sent engineers on an around-the-world road show to help developers get them built. 微软眼下正急着给下一代Windows操作系统设计全套的应用,因此它联合了一些设计机构,招聘了一批实习生,还派出工程师在世界各地进行巡讲,帮助开发者构建Windows应用。
But the strategies used by alternative funds can be dizzyingly complex, with a panoply of interest-rate swaps, short sales or bets that stocks will go down, and swarms of trades in currencies, options and commodities. 但是,另类投资基金使用的投资策略可能是极其复杂的,该类基金往往会频繁地运用利率掉期交易,进行卖空操作押注股票下跌,并进行货币、期权和大宗商品交易。
But all they had added was the trappings and panoply of applied science. 但是他们所增添的一切,不过是实用科学的装饰和甲胄罢了。
Description: The Yixian formation of China contains a panoply of exquisitely-preserved insects, vertebrates, and plants. 描述:中国的义县组产出的化石种类精美绝伦,种类繁多,昆虫、脊椎动物,还有植物。
How could you possibly match wine to such a panoply of competing and powerful flavours? 你该如何尽你所能为这一桌风格如此浓重也如此冲突的丰盛美味搭配葡萄酒呢?
The woods were in their full panoply of autumn foliage. 秋天的树林枝叶茂密。
There is a largish square in Horse guards Parade where you can see the Trooping of the Color. the full panoply of a Royal funeral 皇家骑兵队总部有一个大广场,在那里你可以看到军旗敬礼分裂式。皇家葬礼的盛大场面
The US has a panoply of "trade defence" instruments antidumping, countervailing duty and safeguard measures that allow it to block imports it deems unfairly priced, state-subsidised or flooding in too rapidly. 美国拥有全套的“贸易自卫”工具反倾销、反补贴税、以及保护措施使其得以对被视为定价不公、获得补贴或增长迅速的进口商品实施限制。
They were enriched with the wisdom of God, and girded with the panoply of heaven. 他们因上帝的智慧而富足,以天上的甲胄为配备。
The relationship between the US and China will also set the tone in efforts to deal with a panoply of global issues from climate change to nuclear non-proliferation and the future of the Korean Peninsula. 美中关系将为应对几乎所有全球性问题的努力设定基调,从气候变化到核不扩散及朝鲜半岛局势的发展。
There is also a panoply of rules and taxes, across most of Asia, designed to favour investment at the expense of consumption. 亚洲多数地区都建立了一整套以消费为代价支持投资的规定和税制。
The solution was to pile on share options, long-term incentive plans and golden parachutes – the panoply of equity-based rewards designed to make chief executives think like investors. 在过去,解决方法是推出一系列股票期权、长期激励计划以及金降落伞政策&这一整套基于股票的报酬旨在让首席执行官像投资者那样思考。
Yet Sony has to face Microsoft not just in videogames but across the entire panoply of home electronics, which Microsoft is determined to control through software. 索尼不仅在视频游戏方面和微软狭路相逢,而且在家用电器的各个领域也要这微软一争高下,因为微软决心通过软件而控制家电另一。
A panoply has been set in motion, and defectiveness to some degree will still present at birth. 一整套系统已经开始运转,出生以后仍然会存在某种缺陷。
Once the missiles have done their job, China's armed forces could ( so they hope) follow up with a panoply of advanced Russian weaponry& mostly amassed in the past decade. 一旦第一轮导弹袭击过后,中国军队就能如他们所愿的使用先进的俄国武器(大部分是上个十年列装的)进行台湾登陆作战。
The opposing knights, mounted and in full panoply, awaited the signal for the tournament to begin. 对方的武士全副甲胄并骑上马,等待比武大会开始的信号。
Here, the dusk is sudden, the night silent, the panoply of stars immense and brilliant. 这里的黄昏很突然,夜很静,璀璨的星空彷佛没有尽头。
RM: It's about new alliances and broken alliances among the panoply of our characters within the rag tag fleet and without. 关于新的联盟,还有在舰队及不在舰队里的角色们的联盟破裂。