To explain what we mean by the neglect of the negative factor in thought, we may refer by way of illustration to the charges of Pantheism and Atheism brought against the doctrines of Spinoza. 为了说明对于思想中否定环节的忽视,可用一般人认斯宾诺莎学说为泛神论和无神论的攻击,作为例证。
Ancient Greece is a pantheism countries, people put each city-state, every natural phenomenon all think dominated by a deity, therefore the greeks in various sacrificial temple gods built. 古希腊是个泛神论国家,人们把每个城邦,每个自然现象都认为受一位神灵支配着,因此希腊人祀奉各种神灵建造神庙。
Spiritual Origin of Flourishing Pantheism in Modern Germany& The Influence of Eckhart and Spinoza 德国近代泛神论繁荣的精神缘由&以埃克哈特与斯宾诺莎为中心
If Pantheism means, as it often does, the doctrine which takes finite things in their finitude and in the complex of them to be God, we must acquit the system of Spinoza of the crime of Pantheism. 如果按照通常的看法,泛神论是指认为有限事物本身或有限事物复合为上帝,那么我们就不能不说,斯宾诺莎的哲学逃脱了泛神论的攻击。
Popular Chinese philosophical system based in teachings of Lao-tse but characterized by a pantheism of many gods and the practices of alchemy and divination and magic. 根据老子学说的中国哲学体系,包含泛神论,炼金术,卜挂和巫术。
This philosophy is pantheistic. of or relating to pantheism. 泛神论与万有在神论这派哲学是泛神论的。
His religious philosophy tends towards pantheism. 他的宗教思想倾向于泛神论。
Chinese Taoist sect claiming to follow the teaching of Lao-Tzu but also incorporating pantheism and sorcery. 中国道士流派,要求追随老子的教义但是也混合着泛神论和巫术。
The philosophy of Fichte and Schelling evolved into a kind of spiritual pantheism with a world-spirit directing all life and activity toward a final goal of sublime perfection. 费希特和谢林的哲学体系发展成了一种精神上的泛神论,即一个世界性的精神指引着所有生命和活动,向着一个崇高的完美的最终目标前进。
The paper tries to criticize of Jen-Shyue on us advocating of the thought of the idealistic Pantheism implicit in its religion and its philosophy of religion. 拙文试著对《仁学》所显示的唯心泛神論的宗教暨宗教哲学观提出一种学理的批判。
Secondly, Western Romanticism caused the influx of the subjective consciousness, transforming the conventional Chinese aesthetic outlook with the literary theory of "Self-expression" that was highlighted by pantheism, thereby promoting the individuality of Chinese literature. 第二,西方浪漫主义为中国文学输入了主观自觉意识,深刻改变了中国传统的美学思想,形成了五四浪漫主义诗歌自我表现的文艺理论,大大提升了中国文学的主体意识。
The second part pays more attention to Yuan's choice and acceptance of Psychoanalysis, Aestheticism and Pantheism. 下篇重点论述了袁昌英对精神分析学说、唯美主义、泛神论的选择与接受。
Transcendentalist of Walden& On Henry David Thoreau's Pantheism 沃尔登湖的超验主义者&亨利·大卫·梭罗的泛神论思想
Tagore's thought is complex quite, but the pantheism and the philosophy of "love" are accepted commonly by the intellectual of "May Fourth". 泰戈尔的思想颇为复杂,其中为五四知识分子普遍接受的是泛神论和爱的哲学。前者影响了中国诗歌的自然观,后者影响了中国诗歌的情爱观。
On The Pantheism About The Goddess 论《女神》的泛神论色彩
The paper holds that the personification of fairy tales agrees with children's pantheism and its imagination is in harmony with children's psychological characteristics. 本文认为由于童话的幻想融进了儿童心理特点,童话的拟人契合了儿童泛灵思想,所以儿童能够自然地亲近古今中外的童话文本。
In brief, the philosophical foundation of the principle of impersonality is pantheism. 简言之,非个人化原则的哲学基础正是福楼拜所信仰的泛神论。
This poetry is the perfect integration of the thought of pantheism in the Orient and the humanistic spirit in the West. 达到东方泛神论思想与西方文化人文精神的完美结合。
Similarly, the three-religion concourse and the national inferiority also result from the witchcraft, which is characterized by pantheism in the Chinese culture. 三教合流与国民劣根性都是中国传统文化中以泛神信仰为特征的巫文化所产生的必然结果。
The logic clue is about the dispute between monotheism and pantheism, polytheism and idol worship. 逻辑线索即为一神与泛神、多神、偶像崇拜之争。
Since Wordsworth is affected by his Christian beliefs and Pantheism, he believes that God exists in everything and all men are born kind in nature. 由于华兹华斯受基督教及泛神论的影响,他认为自然皆有神性,这种神性体现在大自然中的花草树木和山河大川中。
Wordsworth was influenced by Christianity and Pantheism while Wang Wei was a devout believer of Chan Buddhism. Yet very interestingly both of them led an eventful life and experienced the social turbulence under their specific historical background. 华兹华斯受基督教和泛神论的影响,王维则是一名虔诚的禅宗佛教信徒,但有趣的是二者均经历了社会动荡和坎坷人生。
William Wordsworth and his works are deeply influenced by the theory of Pantheism, the Christian beliefs and some basic principles of Rousseau. 华兹华斯及其作品深受西方的基督教、泛神论以及卢梭的一些基本理论的影响。
Besides that, the conflict between pantheism in Japanese traditional culture and monotheism in western Christian Faith is one of the important issues in his literary works. 笃信天主教的远藤周作,一生都在探讨天主教神学与文学之间的关系问题,日本文化传统中的泛神论思想与西方基督教崇信的一神论思想之间的对立冲突也是其文学创作中的重要课题之一。
Both theories give prominence to the beauty of being integrated as a whole, which include pantheism in philosophy. 两种诗歌理论都突出了诗歌整体的浑融之美,在哲学层面上也都包含了一种泛神论的思想。
It is hoped that this study will contribute to foregrounding the relationship between early British Romanticism and pantheism, and offer a new perspective for the analysis of the poetic works of Wordsworth and Coleridge. 本文旨在以华兹华斯和柯尔律治诗歌的文本研究为平台,展开并突显关于早期英国浪漫主义与泛神论关系的讨论,同时也为这两位湖畔派诗人作品的研究提供新的视角。
Shamanism in the text is the most explicit external presentation of Shaman culture. The religious belief that every species has spirit and the religious rituals resulted from pantheism, as reflected in the novel, demonstrates to the readers an explicit ecological and ethical value. 萨满教文化是文本中最为外显的文化形式,在小说中体现的万物有灵的宗教观,泛神崇拜的宗教仪式都向读者展现了一种鲜明的生态伦理价值观。
The fifth chapter is a summary of the previous analysis dividing into four small sections: the influence of Pantheism, the tendency to formal non-rational, technology rationality and his expression of time in space. 第五章是前面分析的总结,分四个小节论述:泛神论对米拉雷斯的影响、其形式非理性的倾向与建筑技术理性以及他在空间中所表达的时间概念。
the doctrine or belief that God is the universe and its phenomena (taken or conceived of as a whole) or the doctrine that regards the universe as a manifestation of God