Ovary Anatomy and Histology in Lobster Panulirus homarus 波纹龙虾卵巢的解剖学与组织学研究
The studies show that Panulirus stimpsoni ( Holthuis) have male and female body, that its sex rate is about 2: 1, that the smallest one in biology has about 8.4 cm carapace in length. 研究表明:中国龙虾雌雄异体,性比约为2:1,生物学最小型为头胸甲长8.4cm左右。
The Preliminary Research on the Artificial Reproduction and Culture of the Phyllosomas of Panulirus homarus 波纹龙虾人工繁殖及早期叶状幼体培育的初步研究
Study of Starvation and Ingestion on the Growth of Phyllosoma of Panulirus homarus 波纹龙虾早期叶状幼体摄食与饥饿的研究
A Study on the Food for the Phyllosoma Larvae of the Spiny Lobster, Panulirus 龙虾Panulirus叶状幼体饵料的研究