Effects analysis of transabdominal ultrasound-guided paracentesis and sclerotherapy on ovarian cyst 经腹超声引导下穿刺硬化治疗卵巢囊肿疗效分析
Combining Trabeculectomy and Paracentesis of Anterior Chamber for Treating Acute Angle-closure Glaucoma with Persistent Ocular Hypertension 急性闭角型青光眼持续高眼压下的小梁切除术复合小梁切除及术后眼球按摩治疗青光眼
Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of active management, including transvaginal paracentesis, on outpatient women at risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome ( OHSS). 目的:评估以门诊方式,进行经阴道腹水抽吸术治疗罹患卵巢过度刺激症候群妇女之效果。
Objective To explore the therapeutic effect of paracentesis in preventing the forming of shallow anterior chamber after trabeculectomy. 目的探讨前房穿刺术对预防小梁切除术后浅前房的疗效。
Abdominal paracentesis yielded uncoagulated blood and hemoperitoneum was suspected. Role of abdominal paracentesis in the differential diagnosis of acute diffuse peritonitis 腹部穿刺放液时发现没有凝固的血液,故考虑腹腔内积血。腹腔穿刺术在急性弥漫性腹膜炎鉴别诊断中的应用
Paracentesis of anterior chamber in primary angle-closure glaucoma with persistent high intraocular pressure 术中前房穿刺在持续高眼压状态下原发闭角型青光眼手术中的应用
Role of abdominal paracentesis in the differential diagnosis of acute diffuse peritonitis 腹腔穿刺术在急性弥漫性腹膜炎鉴别诊断中的应用
Clinical Study on the Treatment of Obstinate Hepatocirrhosis Ascites by Dextran After Paracentesis 肝硬化放腹水后应用右旋糖酐治疗顽固性腹水临床研究
Objective: To observe the clinical effect of paracentesis of anterior chamber before trabeculectomy in treatment of primary angle-closure glaucoma with persistent high intraocular pressure. 结论:术中前房穿刺术对于持续高眼压状态下青光眼行之有效,是一种安全有效的治疗方法。
With the development of abdominal paracentesis, the diagnosis rate of chylous ascites has increased in China in recent years. 近几年,随着国内腹腔穿刺的广泛开展,乳糜性腹水的发生率不断提高。
Objective: To investigate the clinical value of the diagnostic abdominal paracentesis and peritoneal lavage. 目的:探讨诊断性腹腔穿刺术及腹腔灌洗术的临床应用价值。
Intra-abdominal Hematorrhea Caused by Perioperative Paracentesis During Open Heart Surgery 心脏直视手术围术期穿刺导致腹部大出血八例报告
40 Cases Efficacy Observation of Total Paracentesis Treating Refractory Ascites Liver Cirrhosis 全腹腔放液治疗顽固性肝硬化腹水40例疗效观察
Efficacy and safety of anterior chamber paracentesis in treatment of acute primary angle-closure glaucoma: report of 327 cases 前房穿刺术处理急性闭角型青光眼发作的临床分析
Objective To investigate the significance of lung biopsy through simulator guided percutaneous paracentesis for the diagnosis of pulmonary diseases. 目的探讨模拟机定位经皮肺穿刺活检用于肺部占位性疾病的诊断意义。
The endoscopic group were treated with ERCP and EST, and BUS guided abdominal paracentesis drainage and antibiotic lavage. 内镜组在入院3d内行内镜胰胆管造影加内镜乳头括约肌切开,并在B超引导下行腹腔穿刺引流,用生理盐水和甲硝唑灌洗腹腔,其他治疗同对照组。
Results The positive rate of abdominal paracentesis was 88.6%. 结果腹腔穿刺阳性率(88.6%)。
Clinical observation of applying paracentesis of anterior chamber in intraocular operation 前房穿刺术在内眼手术中应用的临床观察
Methods The clinic materials of 126 cases of hypertension hemorrhage treated with minimally paracentesis were dealt with statistics. 方法对126例高血压脑出血微创清除颅内血肿术的临床资料进行统计学处理。
【 Conclusion 】 The diagnosis of traumatic splenic rupture was mainly depended on clinical symptoms, diagnostic abdominal paracentesis and sonography. 【结论】外伤性脾破裂的诊断主要依据临床表现、诊断性腹腔穿刺和超声检查。
32 cases ( 23.02%) received medical treatment and anterior chamber paracentesis or washing; 药物治疗联合前房穿刺或冲洗32例(32只眼)(23.02%);
During the surgical operation paracentesis of the cyst was done as the first step for diagnosis. 术中先行囊肿穿刺,证实诊断后酌情选择术式。
Conclusion The application of paracentesis of anterior chamber combined with viscoelastic material in trabeculectomy can decrease the complications and improve the success rate. 结论前房穿刺联合甲基纤维素在小梁切除术中的应用,可以减轻手术并发症,提高了手术成功率。
Methods: Posterior branch of spinal nerve was refrigerated by transcutaneous paracentesis. 方法:经皮穿刺到脊神经后支,对神经分支施行深部冷冻。
Conclusion The procedures we use to make kidney paracentesis specimens are stale and fast. 结论:本科采用的肾穿刺活体标本制作程序稳定而且较快。
Objective To explore the diagnostic value of simulator guided transthoracic thin-needle pulmonary paracentesis for peripheral lesions of the lung. 目的探讨模拟机下细针经皮肺穿刺对肺部周围型病变诊断的价值。
A randomized clinical control study on minimally invasive paracentesis in basal ganglion region cerebral hemorrhage 微创穿刺术治疗基底节区脑出血临床随机对照研究
Amelioration to paracentesis of internal arteriovenous fistula for patients of maintenance hemodialysis 对维持性血液透析患者动-静脉内瘘穿刺技术的改良
After 14 weeks, ascites was determinated by the measurement of abdomen circumference and abdominal paracentesis. 每周测量大鼠腹围,第14周进行腹腔穿刺以判定有无腹水。