Flower organs showed anomocytic, paracytic, and actinocytic stomatal complexes. However, ontogenetic changes in stomatal complexes varied considerably among flower organs. 气孔复合体主要有无规则型、平列型以及辐射型,但不同花器官存在的气孔类型具有差异。
Results: There are cluster crystals in cortex and mesophyll of the root and the stem from Phyllanthus simplex. Paracytic type stomata are visible. 结果:黄珠子草根及茎的皮层细胞中、叶肉组织中含有草酸钙簇晶,粉末中可见平轴式气孔,导管主为螺纹和网纹。
The leaf stomatal apparatus and the pollen morphology of 3 species on Pharbitis Choisy from Shandong were examined by Scanning Electron Microscope ( SEM): the stomatal apparatus of 3 species are paracytic type; 对山东牵牛属(PharbitisChoisy)植物叶片气孔器及花粉形态特征进行了扫描电镜研究。
The stomata of leaf is paracytic type and with several radial protuberances around it. 气孔器为平列型,气孔器环状脊突的周围有放射状突起。